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Last updated:10 March 2015



Exhibition 'Labour's special relationship: connections between the British and American labour movements from the nineteenth century until today'

A travelling exhibition from the TUC Library will explore one of the most important – and yet one of the least examined – parts of the international workers’ movement. Exhibitions are open Wed-Fri 1-5pm, and the first Sat of most months 10am-4pm.


Marie Stopes: reluctant Mancunian, sexual revolutionary, birth control pioneer

We mark the centenary of Marie Stopes’s controversial Married love, first published on 26 March 1918, with a talk and readings from her work by Clare Debenham.   Marie Stopes was the first woman science lecturer appointed to the University of Manchester.  She was a reluctant Mancunian although Manchester featured...


Chartism Drop In Day: Ernest Jones and Chartism

As part of our Voting for Change project with the People’s History Museum, you can come and see some of the exciting newly acquired objects that help both organisations better tell the history of the fight for the vote.  The focus will be Chartism and its demands for political...


Protest: stories of resistance

To coincide with the anniversary of The National Blind March and a centenary of a number of women getting the vote, WCML welcomes contributors from the Comma Press anthology Protest: stories of resistance, twenty stories by twenty authors which reimagine key moments of British history from 1381 to the...


Cover up and collusion: understanding the tragic history of asbestos

Marking Workers’ Memorial Day, a talk by Geofrey Tweedale.  The devastating legacy of asbestos will be with us for many years to come; yet the dangers of the mineral have been recognised for over a century.  The historical record shows that for decades government, industry, and medicine endorsed the...


Exhibition: The power of unity - 150 years of the TUC

In 1868 at the Mechanics' Institute in Manchester a meeting took place that became the first successful attempt to bring together the trades unions. This exhibition celebrates 150 years of the Trades Union Congress and looks at the continuing need for unions now. And on Thursday 17 May  from...


Film - Liverpool Labour Police Striker, the William Smith Story

Liverpool Labour Police Striker - the William Smith Story A short film with Q&A with Director Simon Partridge   Pieced together through extensive research, this short independent film tells  about Liverpool in the 1920s and particularly the events around the 1919 police strike, in which 954 policemen were sacked when...


Ninth annual Frow Lecture

The ninth annual Frow Lecture, in honour of the Library's founders, will be given by Shirin Hirsch, Research Fellow in History, University of Wolverhampton, and is entitled In the shadow of Enoch Powell: race, class and resistance. It is fifty years since Enoch Powell made his ‘Rivers of Blood’...


Salford University - Animating the Archives

Students from the University’s School of Arts and Media take over the Library space with theatre performances and presentations inspired by archival materials.  Drop in; admission free; all welcome.


Capturing the heritage of the workers' co-operative movement, 1970s-1990s

Talk by Philippa Lewis. The 1970s-1990s saw a wave of new workers’ co-operatives set up. These were businesses owned and controlled by the workers, with an emphasis on fairness and shared decision making. Although developing partially from the older UK co-operative productive societies, this period of workers’ co-operatives is...

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