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Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

Our Work

Georgia Passes Anti-Infosec Legislation

Despite the full-throated objections of the cybersecurity community, the Georgia legislature has passed a bill that would open independent researchers who identify vulnerabilities in computer systems to prosecution and up to a year in jail. EFF calls upon Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal to veto S.B. 315 as soon as...
Secure Messaging Month logo

Building A Secure Messenger

Given different people’s and community’s security needs, it’s hard to arrive at a consensus of what a “secure” messenger must provide. In this post, we discuss various options for developers to consider when working towards the goal of improving a messenger’s security. A messenger that’s perfectly secure for every single...

The John Perry Barlow Internet Ideas Symposium

John Perry Barlow Internet Ideas Symposium Saturday, April 7, 2018, from 2 PM to 6 PM The Internet Archive at 300 Funston Ave, San Francisco, CA 94118 Join us for a celebration of the life and leadership of John Perry Barlow, the visionary co-founder of EFF and the Freedom of...
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