Australia stands to lose  from a trade war but gets off relatively lightly compared to some other countries.

Trade war worse than 2009 recession

A global trade war would tip much of Europe, the UK, and Canada into recession and cost as many as 285,000 Australian jobs, according to KPMG.

Is Blue Sky 'missing' $2.5b?

Investors in Blue Sky Alternative Investments will have a stark choice on Tuesday – either believe the company, which says it has $4 billion in audited fee earning assets, or trust Glaucus Research, who say it has $1.5 billion.

CBS in Ten for the long-term

"Our intention has never been to buy this and flip it," CBS Studios International president Armando Nuñez says.

Morrison doubles tax for foreign investors

Australia will double the tax bills of some foreign investors and limit tax breaks for others in a move Treasurer Scott Morrison says will prevent billions in lost revenue in the future.


Labor has promised not to  unveil any more policies tinkering with the tax treatment of super but is looking at gender ...

Super stoush brews over guarantee

Labor plans to apply the superannuation guarantee to paid parental leave to help address the gender imbalance in the retirement savings

Slicing up the tax pizza is not that straightforward.

No free lunch on company tax

Workers will have to settle for the proverbial sandwich and a milkshake out of the company tax cut - and wait a very long time for it too.

Personal Finance