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AI Group Launched
The launch of the Victorian All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence provides a focal point for considering the opportunities and challenges presented by AI.

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Science beyond fiction
Seeking out the human dimension of AI in Victoria.

Feature story: Science beyond fiction
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Today In Parliament


Inquiry into Drug Law Reform - Report Tabled

A comprehensive parliamentary committee report into drug law reform has called for a more effective drug response framework in Victoria that recognises health and community safety as key areas of focus.  In its 18 chapter report, the Law Reform,... Read more

Inquiry into Youth Justice Centres in Victoria - Report tabled

A parliamentary committee report in the Victorian Parliament has recommended a range of measures to address problems with youth justice centres in Victoria.  The Legal and Social Issues Committee has made 33 findings and 39 recommendations after a comprehensive inquiry. Read more

Inquiry into Electric Vehicles - Charging how we drive

The Victorian Parliament's Economy and Infrastructure Committee is investigating the challenges and opportunities presented by a move to electric vehicles.         Read more

School and Booked Tours

The Parliament of Victoria offers a range of activities for students at primary, secondary, tertiary and adult education levels. These activities include tours, role plays and metropolitan school visits.

Large groups or organisations of 6 or more people are also encouraged to book one of our tours. To check the availability for each type of tour please click here.

Parliament House in the 21st Century

Watch as the new addition to Parliament House takes shape


Find out more about our projects to restore and renew Parliament House

Latest News & Events

Demystifying the Budget Papers

On Thursday 28 March 2018, the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee hosted their second Demystifying the Budget Papers seminar which was well attended by Members, electorate officers and Parliament staff. It included an introduction by PAEC Chair Danny Pearson MP and presentations by Mark Johnsto... Read more

A community day for all ages

Open Day 2018This year’s Open Day held last Sunday brought people of all ages to Parliament House.

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Artificial Intelligence group launched

AI group launchedThe Victorian All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence has been launched at Parliament House.

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Leafy entry for horticulture showcase

Vic HorticultureAn avenue of trees popped up at Parliament House as part a horticultural showcase arranged by the Nursery & Garden Industry Victoria.

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Interns welcomed to Parliament

Interns WelcomedTwenty-six students from Melbourne and Monash universities have commenced their parliamentary internships for 2018.

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Groundbreaking program for VU students

Parliament Explained - Victoria University lecture in the Legislative AssemblyA new collaboration between the Victorian Parliament and Victoria University has brought around 200 first year laws students to Parliament House.

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Donation to assist Tongan Parliament's recovery

Parliament staff packing laptops for the Parliament of TongaIn the wake of Cyclone Gita and the destruction of Tonga’s historic parliament building, the Victorian Parliament is donating computer equipment to assist the recovery.

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On This Day

Wednesday, 1 April 1846

The Executive Council in Sydney voted for the separation of Port Phillip District from New South Wales.