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This week's top Box Office - Join IMDbPro to see detailed box office info for every title on IMDb

Ready Player One

1. Ready Player One

US Gross
Black Panther

2. Black Panther

US Gross
Pacific Rim: Uprising

3. Pacific Rim: Uprising

US Gross
I Can Only Imagine

4. I Can Only Imagine

US Gross
Sherlock Gnomes

5. Sherlock Gnomes

US Gross

This week's top MOVIEmeter - Join IMDbPro to see rankings and trends for every title on IMDb

Avengers: Infinity War

1. Avengers: Infinity War

No change this week

The Walking Dead

2. The Walking Dead

4 this week

Tomb Raider

3. Tomb Raider

No change this week

Black Panther

4. Black Panther

No change this week


5. Annihilation

3 this week

This week's top STARmeter - Join IMDbPro to see rankings and trends for every person on IMDb

Alicia Vikander

1. Alicia Vikander

No change this week

Karen Gillan

2. Karen Gillan

No change this week

Tessa Thompson

3. Tessa Thompson

2 this week

Nick Robinson

4. Nick Robinson

14 this week

Krysten Ritter

5. Krysten Ritter

1 this week

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