Andrew ScheerVerified account


Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and Leader of the Official Opposition | Chef des conservateurs du Canada et chef de l’Opposition officielle

Joined February 2011


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 10

    Watch this. It's why I’m here. My life growing up was a lot like other Canadians. I had a paper route, my mom was a nurse, and my dad worked for the newspaper. We didn’t even have a car. Canadians need leaders who understand the challenges they face.

  2. 2 hours ago

    Justin Trudeau veut imposer son point de vue aux groupes communautaires. Ceux qui refusent perdent le financement d’Emplois d’été Canada. Le test de valeurs libéral n’a pas sa place dans ce pays. Nous allons continuer à nous battre pour nos libertés fondamentales.

  3. 2 hours ago

    Justin Trudeau is trying to force his personal views on community groups. Those who say no, are losing their Canada Summer Jobs funding. His values test has no place in a country with Rights to Freedom of Belief and Conscience. We’ll keep fighting for our fundamental freedoms.

  4. 7 hours ago

    A tax is a tax. Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax is a forced collection of money for his government’s coffers. The reality is that Canadians pay more for gas, home heating, and basic necessities. All the Liberal spin in the world doesn’t change that.

  5. 7 hours ago

    Une taxe est une taxe. La taxe sur le carbone de Trudeau est une stratégie pour remplir les coffres de son gouvernement. La réalité est que les Canadiens paient plus pour l’essence, le chauffage et les nécessités de base. Toute la rhétorique des libéraux n’y changera rien.

  6. Justin Trudeau est un échec pour les travailleurs canadiens. Ses politiques coûtent au Canada 80 milliards $ en investissements dans l’énergie. La suspension de Trans Mountain cette semaine est une nouvelle dévastatrice pour notre secteur énergétique et les gens qui en dépendent.

  7. Justin Trudeau is failing Canadian workers. His policies have cost Canada $80 billion in energy investments. The suspension of the Trans Mountain project this week was devastating news for our energy sector and the people who depend on it.

  8. Justin Trudeau’s handling of the Trans Mountain crisis has “shaken the confidence and trust many Canadians had in him to lead the country.” Our country deserves better. Canada’s Conservatives will keep standing up for this nation-building pipeline.

  9. La façon dont Justin Trudeau gère la crise Trans Mountain « ébranle la confiance que de nombreux Canadiens lui avaient donnée pour diriger le pays ». Notre pays mérite mieux. Les conservateurs du Canada vont continuer à se battre pour ce pipeline bâtisseur.

  10. I couldn’t agree more. From the : “the time has come for the prime minister to stop talking about pipelines and start taking the necessary steps to get them built.”

  11. Je ne pourrais être plus d’accord. Dans le : « Le moment est venu pour le premier ministre d’arrêter de parler des pipelines et de commencer à prendre les mesures nécessaires pour qu’ils soient construits. »

  12. Retweeted

    govt continues their assault on democracy. Now, Trudeau Leader tells Opposition how we should vote! Outrageous. 1 year ago to my VIDEO: Trudeau admires "basic efficiency" of authoritarian regimes: is he transforming Canada into one?

  13. 14 hours ago

    Au nom du , j’aimerais souhaiter mes meilleurs vœux à la communauté sikhe au Canada et dans le monde alors que nous célébrons Vaisakhi, un jour sacré de la foi sikhe. Vaisakhi di lakh lakh vadhai!

  14. 14 hours ago

    On behalf of , I would like to extend my warmest wishes to the Sikh community in Canada and around the world as we celebrate Vaisakhi, a sacred day to the Sikh faith. Vaisakhi di lakh lakh vadhai!

  15. Apr 12

    In just three years Justin Trudeau has added over $60 billion to our national debt. To pay for it, he's making Canadians pay more tax - both now and into the future. We don't think it's fair for politicians today to be borrowing on the backs of future generations.

  16. Apr 12

    En seulement trois ans, Justin Trudeau a ajouté 60 milliard $ à notre dette nationale. Pour la rembourser, il fait payer plus d'impôt aux Canadiens - maintenant et à l'avenir. Il n'est pas juste que les politiciens empruntent sur le dos des futures générations.

  17. Retweeted
    Apr 12

    Great to join so many in , the and right across the country to show support for by wearing . This is Canada, we play together and we grieve together.

  18. Retweeted
    Apr 12

    From one small town to another, we are proud to stand in solidarity with the Humboldt Broncos by wearing . A message book is available for signing at the Bethany General Store today & tomorrow. Our thoughts are with those touched by the tragedy.

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 12

    Lambton-Kent-Middlesex in Ontario supports . Continued thoughts and prayers to the families and communities of .

  20. Retweeted

    Standing with the friends and families of . They are in our thoughts and prayers.

  21. Retweeted

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