@chetan_bhagat એ અવરોધિત છે

શું તમને ખાતરી છે કે તમે આ ટ્વીટ જોવા માંગો છો? ટ્વીટ જોવાથી @chetan_bhagat અનાવરોધિત નહી થવાય.

  1. You got to be kidding me. Is this true?

  2. thanks. and thanks for representing India!

  3. Children deserve all the books they want. RT this to raise awareness for ,

  4. Beautiful, touching and fabulous book written by Chetan Bhagat lovely....awesome must read👏👏👏👏👌👌👌✌✌✌✌

  5. i base my views on specific ideas and policies and do not belong to any herd. so thanks for the invite to join, but no thanks, sis.

  6. Ban this. Impose that.

  7. exactly the point. those imposing it are reducing the anthem's glory.

  8. The biggest risk to a free India is a Congress party that keeps propping up an incompetent leader despite having good people in the party.

  9. Reason for rise of fascist-style nationalism in the country is a weak opposition and a Congress party that can't put up a competent leader.

  10. This is how it starts. Impose something that one needs to be proud of. Then impose something else.

  11. Your logical reasoning is weak but i am not talking about anthem. I am talking about state imposition on freedom. Sorry if freedom bothers u

  12. It's imposition which violates individual liberty. Duration is irrelevant. Freedom is my country's core value. Will protect it. Forever.

  13. Those ready to beat their chests in the name of nationalism and willing to give up their freedoms for it, you will regret it one day. Badly.

  14. What if I love my country and anthem, but just like religion, I don't like to display it in a public manner? Why are you imposing it?

  15. Do not let India even inch towards fascism. Let world's biggest democracy remain that. Hon' SC please solve cases.Don't tell us how to live.

  16. Why not national anthem before every TV program? Before every play? Why not sing the national anthem before having sex? Ridiculous.

  17. If we shove the national anthem down people's throats it takes away the organic love for the country. Please, let me be a patriot my way.

  18. People peddling hyper-nationalism and breaking India's free society are same as people peddling fundamentalist religion. SC ruling baseless.

  19. Not a legal expert, but don't know what provision allows SC to interfere in private contract between cinema owner and ticket buying audience

  20. Stunned at SC ruling on national anthem before a movie. Imposing nationalism curtails personal freedom, a key part of what India is about.

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