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Girls Will Be Boys Will Be Girls Will Be... Coloring Book - Out Now!

In this groundbreaking coloring book, you will meet girls who build drum sets and fix bikes, boys who bake and knit, and all manner of children along the gender spectrum. Children are tender, vulnerable, tough, zany, courageous, and gentle, no matter what their gender. This coloring book is for all the heroic handsome beauties of the world and for everyone who has ever colored outside the lines—a reminder that we never need to compromise ourselves to fit someone else’s idea of who we ought to be.

Featuring illustrations by Giselle Potter, Nicole Georges, Kristine Virsis, Simi Stone, Jacinta Bunnell, Nicole Rodrigues, Richard Wentworth, and many more, this is the perfect book for the gender creative person in your life. The future is gender fabulous.

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Spitboy Rule: 5 Books That Show Latinxs' Important Role in Punk History


The Bay Area has boasted one of the most inclusive punk scenes since before the days of Dead Kennedys, but that didn’t make life for 90s hardcore champs Spitboy any easier. Although they coincided with the riot grrrl movement, the band battled misogyny for most of their time together. What’s more, drummer Michelle Gonzales also had to deal with racism as part of the underground tour circuit. Although punk was brought into the mainstream during her time, some of its worst tendencies managed to survive. Gonzales’ memoir captures her journey in the world of 90s punk, and features a foreword from Los Crudos and Limp Wrist legend Martín Sorrondeguy.Remezcla

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Jai Sen, Editor of The Movements of Movements on 'By Any Means Necessary'


On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Jai Sen, Editor of the two part series The Movements of Movements: Part 1: What Makes Us Move? (Challenging Empires) and The Movements of Movements, Part 2: Rethinking Our Dance to talk about how movements form and interplay around the world, the unique moment of history in regards to global movements, and what explains the rise of far right ideologically based political and social action. The group also talks about the role of mother nature in influencing human movement, how left-ist movements do not always equal more justice for the oppressed, and the global flow of information.

Peter Kuper's Diario de Oaxaca in popMatters and more

"Diario de Oaxaca also feels driven by a sense of political urgency in the present and unfolding relationship between Mexico and the United States. Kuper doesn’t hold back any punches; he left America in part because of the mess President Bush was making of things, but he’s equally critical of the corrupt and violent political leadership of Oaxaca. President Trump’s anti-Mexicanism has added an entirely new dimension to the situation. Kuper’s work reminds us of the vibrant and inspired everyday people who live under the tyranny of petty and corrupt officials in both Mexico and the United States, and of the imperative to see the beauty of each place through the murky political fog and inaccurate, homogenizing reporting that so often obscures them." —Hans Rollman, popMatters

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Review: Comics Grinder
Buy Diario de Oaxaca: A Sketchbook Journal of Two Years in Mexico

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