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Jim Carrey's Trump portraits impress and infuriate

Satire Yesterday
The Canadian actor has been posting political cartoons for a while now, he continues his controversial series with a new portrait of the US president.

Dear Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery , I know it’s early but I’d like to submit this as the official portrait of our 45th President, Donald J. Trump. It’s called, 'You Scream. I Scream. Will We Ever Stop Screaming?'

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I want a Jim Carrey painting so bad

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Did anyone watch 60 minutes last night? Hell of a piece about a poor kid from Greece named Giannis Antetokounmpo who’s making it big in the NBA. America still has some magic. Pity you have to wade through so much cultural sewage to find it. ;^}

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Lawyer and lucky charm Joe diGenovia hopes to put Dirty Donald's troubles in the rearview mirror. But the objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. ;^P

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If you liked my last cartoon you may also enjoy... "THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST WING AND PUTIN’S FLYING MONKEYS“

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Mediocre painting & totally unsuited to the subject. Trump doesn't scream in public (contrary to his opponents) & indeed tends to speak quietly

398 replies 77 retweets 526 likes
41 replies 179 retweets 2,120 likes

Great news! The President's answer to school shootings is to arm the glee club! ;^P

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Jim Carrey releases another political painting. This one depicting the Trump sons being killed by an elephant. What do you think of the painting? Is this going too far?

1,812 replies 931 retweets 4,677 likes

My soul is not contained within the limits of my body. My body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.

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These Jim Carrey paintings are pretty damn good. Especially Trumps wicked witch of the west wing 😂😂

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