Frigate program decision crucial for local industry and government policy

FREMM (a class of multi-purpose frigate) designed and built Fincantieri, an Italian ship building firm. Pic: supplied
FREMM (a class of multi-purpose frigate) designed and built Fincantieri, an Italian ship building firm. Pic: supplied Filippo Vinardi

The Turnbull government will soon choose the winning bid for the $35 billion acquisition of a new fleet of frigates, a decision crucial to its ambitions to grow Australia's defence industry and underpin thousands of jobs.

The frigates will create 2000 jobs directly, as part of the government's plan to eventually create a 15,000 strong workforce in shipbuilding and sustainment.

The success of the future frigate program will also be vital to the navy's ability to defend the rules-based order in a region warily eyeing China's rise and concerned about a US withdrawal under Donald Trump.

Three bidders are vying to build the nine frigates, which will form the backbone of the fleet's anti-submarine warfare capability from the late 2020s when they begin to enter service. In a reflection of the shifting nature of threats, the frigates will also have to have the ability to shoot down medium and long-range ballistic missiles fired by rogue nations.

Cabinet's national security committee is expected to make its decision before the end of June, amid worrying signs other elements of the government's naval shipbuilding plan is sailing into troubled waters.


The government is trying to force through a marriage of German designer Luerssen and Perth shipbuilder Austal for the $4 billion offshore patrol vessel build, while lingering doubts remain construction of the $50 billion submarine project will be able to start on time and the project remain in budget given the complexity of adapting the boats to Australian specifications.

The frigates, known as SEA 5000 by the navy, are intended to be the technical, skills and engineering basis for the continuous building program for sophisticated surface ships. With construction slated to begin in Adelaide in 2020, the project will directly employ 2000 workers at its peak and thousands more across the supply chain.

Along with the new submarines, the frigates are the flagship of the government's plan for a decade-long, $200 billion commitment to replenish the army, navy and air force with new equipment while developing a homegrown defence industry capable of exporting.

"The most important thing about the future frigates project is that the navy gets the capability it needs to defend the nation and to maintain our national security and national interests in the region," Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne told The Australian Financial Review.

"That is the first criteria and most important criteria. Secondly the government wants to ensure that by the end of this shipbuilding project, we have a sovereign Australian submarine and shipbuilding industry and the capability to maintain and sustain that industry for decades into the future – this is a 100-year project."

However, Australian Strategic Policy Institute senior analyst Marcus Hellyer sounds a note of caution on the government's ambitions.

"The big issue is Australia doesn't have the technological foundation and the size of industry to do everything," he said.

Dr Hellyer, a former Defence Department official, believes the government is better off focusing on supporting hi-tech and niche suppliers where Australian companies have done well on the global stage, rather than large platforms.

"I know things like ships and tanks grab the public attention but that is not going to be where we really foster a competitive advantage," he said.

With large defence acquisitions often blighted by cost blow-outs and delays, Dr Hellyer argues bureaucrats will need to be vigilant and demand "visibility" over contractors' costs to ensure value for money for taxpayers.

"When they charge you something, you want to understand what it costs them and their mark-up," he said.

To remedy this, he advocates a cultural change between the Defence Department and contractors, shifting from a buyer/seller transaction to one where they form a genuine partnership to share costs and risks.

Concept images of Austal's Guided Missile Frigate.
Concept images of Austal's Guided Missile Frigate. Supplied

The government's insistence on Australian industry involvement in projects can inflate costs but Dr Hellyer sees a bigger risk to competitive tension coming from consolidation in among global arms companies, reducing particular platforms down to one or two suppliers.

While China's rise was dominating strategic thinking, Dr Hellyer said the big boost to defence spending was also necessary so that Australia could continue to play a role in Pacific and South-East Asia affairs, as well as show itself a good ally to the US.

"If it comes conflict Australia wants to be able to help itself and contribute to the good guys," he said.

"We're not turning ourselves into the Sparta of the south but the government is trying to signal to our allies and potential adversaries we're taking defence seriously."

The three bidders for the frigates are serious players in the global shipbuilding industry.

The closest Australia has to an incumbent shipbuilder is Spanish giant Navantia, with defence experts regarding it as the lowest-risk option of the three. The Hobart class AWDs under construction in Adelaide are Navantia's design, while the Spanish company has also built the Landing Helicopter Docks and currently has supply ships underway in its home country.

Navantia's F-5000 frigate design is based on the AWD and Navantia is also emphasising it is the only contender experienced in integrating the AEGIS combat management system the government has selected into vessels.

Navantia is also talking up the potential for inter-operability. It is the only shipbuilder with a contender in the Australian, US and Canadian frigate programs, leaving the potential for 47 common ships across the three fleets, an important factor for Pacific Ocean missions as well as opportunities for exports.

"The Adelaide workforce already knows how to build this ship, and we have a supply chain already in place so we can offer the lowest cost and schedule risk for the build program," Navantia Australia chairman Warren King said.

Italy's Fincantieri may be a new player in Australia but the company is Europe's biggest shipbuilder. As well as naval ships and submarines, it builds cruise liners, luxury yachts and vessels for the offshore oil and gas industry, offering Australian companies the opportunity to feed into its global supply chain and grow the commercial shipbuilding industry.

Crucially, Fincantieri's FREMM is the only one of the three designs that is actually in the water as a dedicated anti-submarine warfare frigate.

"Our FREMM frigate is proven against unco-operative submarines in the real world," Fincantieri Australia chairman Dario Deste said.

"It successfully combines the latest generation technology for superior performances at sea. Next month we will deliver our seventh vessel to the Italian Navy with every FREMM delivered on time and on budget."

On the flip side, BAE Systems only last year cut steel for its first Type 26 frigate, destined for the Royal Navy, but the company boasts it will have the most technologically superior ship, designed from the keel up for anti-submarine warfare.

The Brits have another edge; with Australia and the UK both part of the Five Eyes community, it removes barriers to sharing the latest in top secret technology and intelligence.

BAE Systems Australia chief executive Gabby Costigan said the company's content plan would grow the capability of Australian industry to build, maintain, upgrade and optimise naval ships.

"We committed – with the full backing of the UK government, to transferring over $1.5 billion of design and engineering data to Australia," she said.

"With the UK Type 26 program well underway, Australia will have the opportunity to leverage a 17 ship program. The UK program is running five years ahead of SEA 5000. This means that when SEA 5000 cuts steel the first Australian frigate will in effect be the fourth of class. This means that design and production risk is low."

While the government identified in the defence white paper just over two years ago the importance of developing sovereign capability for military hardware, it is important to recognise that the local industry is not starting from scratch.

The AWD project has had well-documented problems, including cost blow-outs, delays and construction flaws with the first ship of the class, HMAS Hobart.

But a series of reforms led to the creation of the AWD Alliance – a consortium of shipbuilder ASC, mission systems integrator Raytheon and the Defence Department – to deliver the project, while Navantia was brought in to manage the build.

The program director for the AWD, Craig Bourke said since the overhaul, work on the Hobart's sister ships, HMAS Brisbane and HMAS Sydney, was on time and under budget based on the revised schedule.

Commodore Bourke said the improvements to the AWD program, which currently employs 1600 people, would mean whoever wins the frigate contract will not be starting from "ground zero" as the navy and industry did with the Hobart class build.

He said the workforce had developed the specialist maritime skills, such as welding steel for ships.

"Whereas the AWD started with a clean sheet and had to build all those skills, the future shipbuilding that is coming in here will have a very sizeable workforce to commence," he said.

"The whole concept behind the government's national shipbuilding plan is to make sure those incredibly large ramp up costs and time frames that occur with a very inconsistent approach change with a more consistent and even approach to what industry can provide."