Front Page
Saturday, 31 March 2018, 1:20pm
Travel Restricted: NZ Bans Expelled Russians
Middlemore Leaky Buildings: DHB Unable To Take Legal Action
Psychoactive Substances Act: Have Your Say On Changes To Penalties
Bright-line Extension: Tax Amendment Passes 3rd Reading
Electricity Efficiency Report: Benefits Of Reducing Peak Energy Use
Ring-fencing Rental Losses: Investors To Lose Tax Loophole
$2.6 Bil Annual Boost To Economy: Equality For Māori Would Benefit All
Wellington.Scoop: Smart Transport - Throwing Out the Rules

Chief Science Advisor's Report: Prevention, Not Prisons

The Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor has released a report entitled “Using evidence to build a better justice system: The challenge of rising prison costs.” More>>


Thompson + Clark Inquiry: Victims Welcome Wider Scope

Two groups that say they were spied on by Thompson + Clark are welcoming the widening of an inquiry into the controversial security company to cover not one but two government agencies. More>>


Gordon Campbell: On Clare Curran’s Dim Future

Now that the initial shock of Carol Hirschfeld’s resignation has worn off, we’re getting to the sharp end of the RNZ story...More>>


Gordon Campbell: On The Hype About The Reserve Bank’s New Governor

It is time for the ritual handover at the Reserve Bank. Sometime today, Adrian Orr will don the gubernatorial undergarments, drain the Goblet of Knowledge and be led down, down the spiral staircase to confront the Beast of Inflation in its lair...More>>


Open Government Mid-term Report: Room For Improvement

The report is certainly not as damning as previous reports under this reporting mechanism have been, however, Booth indicates that there is still room for improvement in the open government space and gives clear indications of areas the Government can focus on in order to make real progress. More>>

Nurses' Pay Negotiations: A Loud And Clear NO

Following several weeks of ratification meetings nationwide DHB nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, who are party to the DHB MECA have voted not to ratify the DHB employer offer...More>>


Affordable Housing: Unitec Deal Marks Major KiwiBuild Milestone

The Government has announced the first major development under its ambitious KiwiBuild programme with the purchase of 29 hectares of land for thousands of houses in Auckland.More>>


A Step Closer: Regional Fuel Tax For Auckland?

Legislation to allow regions to apply for a regional fuel tax, initially for Auckland, will be introduced to Parliament today, Transport Minister Phil Twyford has announced.More>>




Animal Welfare: Tougher New Standards Passed

Cabinet has approved a raft of new regulations to strengthen our animal welfare system, says Associate Minister of Agriculture responsible for animal welfare Hon Meka Whaitiri.More>>

Now $16.50 Per Hour: Minimum Wage Increases From 1 April

Around 164,000 Kiwi workers and their families will be better off following the increase in the Minimum Wage that takes effect from 1 April, says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Iain Lees-Galloway.More>>


Mycoplasma Bovis: MPI Calls for Cull On Infected Properties

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has determined that all cattle on properties infected with the cattle disease Mycoplasma bovis will be culled, and will be working with farmers to do that from today.More>>


Woods Speech: The Transition Away From Fossil Fuels

I won’t be announcing Block Offer 2018 today. As the Prime Minister has said, the Government is actively considering this issue, and we’ll have an announcement in the coming weeks...More>>


RNZ Explainer: Why You Should Care About Cambridge Analytica

Facebook's shares have lost billions of dollars in value after something to do with data used by Cambridge Analytica. Confused? Here's what it means, and what could come next...More>>


America's Cup: Agreement Reached On Village Venue

An agreement has been struck on the Auckland waterfront venue for the 36th America’s Cup, including the division of costs and the payment of a hosting fee.More>>


Conservation Win: Mice Eradicated From Antipodes Island

In a world-leading conservation effort, mice have been successfully eradicated from Antipodes Island in the New Zealand Subantarctic, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today... More>>


Transport Tech: Roadmap To Harness $1.5 Bn Sector

A new Future Technology Leadership Group will help New Zealand harness some of the $1.5 billion a year estimated value to the economy from Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) as well as the social benefits they create... More>>


Economy: GDP Rises On Strength In Services

The economy, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), grew 0.6 percent in the December 2017 quarter, Stats NZ said today. Growth was driven by increases in the service industries but was tempered by falls in the primary sector. More>>


Dolphins In Danger: More measures to protect

Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage are accelerating work to improve protection of the nationally endangered Hector’s dolphin, after five were accidentally killed in a fishing net off Banks Peninsula. More>>



Gordon Campbell: On A Trade War With China

As things currently stand, the White House has NOT included New Zealand on its list of allies whose steel and aluminium exports to the US will be exempted from US President Donald Trump’s recent hike in tariffs. More>>

Gordon Campbell: On Credibility In Politics

Credibility is always such a fickle, unstable element in politics. You know it when you see it, though. More>>

Gordon Campbell: On Winston Peters’ Attempts To Cozy Up To Trump And Russia
The weekend attempts made by Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peterson on the Nation TV programme to downplay Russia’s role in the shooting down of MH 17 have already been earning some unflattering coverage across the Tasman. More>>

Video And Report: Cory Doctorow Talks Machine Learning And Big Data

International internet and digital technology commentator Cory Doctorow talked about machine learning and big data at the Privacy Commissioner’s PrivacyLive event on 13 March 2018 in Wellington. More>>

Gordon Campbell: On The #MeToo Movement In Sweden

The #MeToo campaign has been approached by Sweden in an impressively systematic fashion. As Bloomberg News reports, #MeToo subsets have emerged in almost every imaginable sector of Swedish society.. More>>

Binoy Kampmark: Meddling For Empire - The CIA Comes Clean

One of the difficulties behind the podium stance of virtue taken by the US political establishment on Russian interference in the country’s electoral process is one of simple hypocrisy. More>>


Diplomatic Madness: The Expulsion of Russian Diplomats

How gloriously brave it seemed, some 23 nations coming together like a zombie collective to initiate a fairly ineffectual action in of itself: the expulsion of Russian diplomats or, as they preferred to term it, intelligence operatives. More>>


UN Rights Office On Syria: The “Monstrous Annihilation” Of Eastern Ghouta

Since the Syrian Government and their allies escalated their offensive against opposition-held Eastern Ghouta on 4 February, there have been more than 1,200 civilian casualties, including at least 346 killed and 878 injured, mostly in airstrikes hitting residential areas... Ninety-two of these civilian deaths allegedly occurred in just one 13-hour period on Monday. More>>


Cyclone Gita: 70% Of Tonga Population Affected

The full scale of destruction is beginning to emerge from Tonga in the aftermath of the severe tropical cyclone Gita. Around 50,000 people, or almost 70% of the country’s population, have been affected, a third of whom are children. More>>


Gita: Samoas Clean Up After Being Swamped By Cyclone

Apia in the wake of Gita Photo: Rudy Bartley The clean up is continuing in the two Samoas after Tropical Cyclone Gita hit on Saturday morning. More>>


Grand Coalition : Germany's two main political parties set to govern under Angela Merkel.

The liberal-conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) negotiated through the night in a marathon final push to nail down an agreement. More>>

80 Passengers: Kiribati Ferry Disaster

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are working with the Government of Kiribati to support children, families and communities affected by the recent Butiraoi ferry disaster. More>>


Campbell On: the US demonising of Iran

Satan may not exist, but the Evil One has always been a handy tool for priests and politicians alike. Currently, Iran is the latest bogey conjured up by Washington to (a) justify its foreign policy interventions and (b) distract attention from its foreign policy failures. More



Scoop Review of Books: Martin Edmonds' The Expatriates

This book is an extension of, and tribute to, the life’s work of James McNeish. Without sacrificing any degree of authorial independence, the result is gracefully written, handsomely produced, and likely to propagate many further works of its kind. More>>

Joe Cederwall Review: WOMAD 2018 - Harmony of Difference (part 1)

A friend described WOMAD as his “favourite white middle class celebration of diversity.” There is certainly an echo of truth to this as the crowd is still largely white and middle class, but this WOMAD for me represented that a better world is possible ... More>>

Harmony of Difference (part 2)

Top international world music artists seldom make it down to this neck of the woods, so for those of us into this sort of thing WOMAD is certainly a welcome addition to the cultural calendar. Now it is a case of waiting and looking forward to seeing what they manage to conjure up for next year. More>>

Howard Davis Review: A Bigger Splash - Te Papa Celebrates Twenty Years

Considering the available resources, this is a decidedly hit-and-miss affair, mainly due to some highly questionable curatorial decisions. In their overweening wish to "push boundaries," Charlotte Davy and Megan Tamati-Quennell have made a number of serious miscalculations by ignoring a basic rule - keep it simple. More>>

Max Rashbrooke Review: The King's Singers and Voices New Zealand

To be good at one thing is impressive; to be so versatile across a range of genres is truly exceptional. The latest incarnation of this six-strong male singing group includes Kiwi Christopher Bruerton, and it was a delight to hear him sing the solo on the achingly beautiful My Love Is like a Red, Red Rose. More>>