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Prescott, AZ: Students Shut Down Joe Arpaio Campaign Event, Oath Keepers...

The following report was sent to us by student organizers and details a disruption of a Joe Arpaio event in Prescott, Arizona. Militia members...

Athens, OH: Report on Two Recent Actions

The following report and photos was sent toĀ It's Going DownĀ anonymously. We reprint it below.Ā  Anarchists and other anti-authoritarians in Athens, Ohio dropped a banner just...

Day of Solidarity for J20 Defendants: April 10th 2018

The following is a call for solidarity and action on April 10th with J20 defendants.Ā  On January 20th, 2017, over 200 people were mass arrested...

In the Shadow of the Gun: #MarchForOurLives Critical Discussion

Cover photo: A member of Redneck Revolt fires takes aim. Source: ABC Millions of people took part in both walkouts and #MarchForOurLives demonstrations over the...

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

In the past week, the mass spectacle of the Democratic Party backed 'March for Our Lives' rallies across the US are now counter-poised to...

Neo-Nazi Brandon “Americana” Higgs Outed in Reisterstown, MD

Antifascists create flyer and mobilize in their community to out neo-Nazi organizer Brandon Higgs. They submit the following anonymous report.Ā  Brandon Higgs is a nazi...

TFN #4: Peepee Tapes and Torture

SubMedia.Tv offers up some weekly news briefs if you're willing to get wet. This week on The Fuckin News, we peep the possible ā€œcollusionā€ between...

Mass Wildcat Strike Launched by Kentucky Teachers

Teachers in Kentucky went out on wildcat strike on March 30th with at least eight school districts are closed due to lack of teaching...

Holman Prison Report from Michael Kimble

The following report from Holman Prison in Alabama comes from long-time anarchist prisoner, Michael Kimble. Back in 2006 a friend who practiced the Rastafarian religion...

Tenant Power from Below: The Los Angeles Tenants Union

The following interview was originally published in the anti-capitalist and pro-working class paper Salvo, and features an interview with Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal of the...

Missoula, MT: Banner Drop “No Gun Control, We Need to Take...

The following photo from Missoula, Montana was sent anonymously to It's Going Down. For a further look at why anarchists reject gun control as...

Rest in Power “Zoe”: Statement from Sacramento IWW

What follows is a statement from the Sacramento chapter of the IWW regarding both the recent police murder of Stephon "Zoe" Clark and the...

‘Salvo’ Spring 2018 Edition Now Available

Radical anti-capitalist and pro-working class newspaper Salvo returns with a Spring 2018 edition. After a year on hiatus, Salvo has returned with another edition. This...

Charlottesville Organizing 7 Months After Unite the Right

7 months after Unite the Right, a turning point for both the anarchist and antifascist movements in the United States, as well as for...

Demonstration Against the Police in Maniwaki

The following report was originally posted to Montreal Counter-Info. As part of the week against police brutality, the Outaouais region mobilized like every year to...

Treaty Camp: Security Shows Up at the Blockade

The following video update from subMedia.Tv discusses the ongoing blockade of Alton Gas in so-called Nova Scotia. Update from the Treaty Camp blocking Alton Gas...

So-Called Flagstaff, AZ: Anti-Colonial & Anti-fascist Community Defense Gathering

The following is an announcement for a community defense gathering in so-called Flagstaff at the TƔala Hooghan Infoshop. A 3-day gathering to provide anti-fascist and...

ā€œDrop ALL the Charges!ā€: April 2-3, Call-In Campaign for the Remaining...

The following is an announcement for a call in campaign to demand that the remaining charges facing J20 defendants be dropped. On 12/21/17 a jury...

Hotwire #24: From Sacramento to Afrin

Long time anarchist media project CrimethInc. presents its weekly news roundup, The Hotwire. As we go to press, protests in Sacramento and beyond areĀ ongoingĀ over the...

West Virginia: Blockade Launched Against Pipeline Access Road

Pipeline resistors in West Virginia have set up a new monopod to stop further construction work on the pipeline. Support in the local area...

Oakland Community Mobilizes to Defend Hasta Muerte

This following report from Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA), documents defense against a campaign by police and Alt-Right trolls to harass and attack a...
What follows is a statement from the Sacramento chapter of the IWW regarding both the recent police murder of Stephon "Zoe" Clark and the following uprising. On March 18th, Sacramento Police Department officers Terrance Mercadal and Jared Robinet shot ten bullets each, killing the 22-year-old father of two. He was...
The following open letter comes from Internationalist Commune, and addresses those across the globe who took part in #WorldAfrinDay. We, who are working here in Rojava as internationals, are part of the worldwide fight of the opressed against the reign of state, capital and pathriarchy. ā€“ șehid HĆŖlĆ®n Qercox The #WorldAfrinDay...
The following report was sent to us by student organizers and details a disruption of a Joe Arpaio event in Prescott, Arizona. Militia members of the Oath Keepers were armed and on hand to protect the former Sheriff.Ā  Prescott, AZ - On Friday March 30th, student and community organizers from...
The following report and photos was sent toĀ It's Going DownĀ anonymously. We reprint it below.Ā  Anarchists and other anti-authoritarians in Athens, Ohio dropped a banner just before noon this morning in solidarity with Stephon Clark who was murdered by the Sacramento PD on March 18th. The banner unraveled atop the Baker...
Radical anti-capitalist and pro-working class newspaper Salvo returns with a Spring 2018 edition. After a year on hiatus, Salvo has returned with another edition. This issue focuses mainly on the housing crisis that has gripped the greater L.A. area - just as it has many other large metropolitan cities. Among other...
This report and analysis from CrimethInc. of State repression against anarchists and antifascists in Russia details what is happening, why it matters, and how we can help those facing State brutality. Grisly news keeps coming in from Russia about the activities of the Russian Federal Security Serviceā€”the FSB, which...