Help with Twitter search

My Tweets and hashtags don't appear in search

While we may not show every Tweet in search results, here are a few reasons you may not be seeing yours:

  • Are your Tweets protected? If so, only approved followers can see your protected Tweets in search results.
  • Have you confirmed your email address? Make sure you have completed your account set-up and that you have a confirmed email address associated with it.
  • Do your Tweets contain potentially sensitive content? Our safe search mode automatically filters Tweets with potentially sensitive content. Learn about the sensitive content setting and how to disable it.

My account doesn't appear in Twitter account search

If your account does not appear in Accounts (or People if you’re using a mobile device) search results, check the following:

  • Are your name and bio filled in? Twitter Accounts search surfaces results with preference to those who have a complete name, username, and bio on their profile. Please note that it may take a few days for changes to your profile information to be reflected in search.
  • Are you using Twitter actively? It's important to Tweet, Retweet, and mention regularly to gain resonance amongst your followers so that search results are up to date for your account.

Note: Twitter search intends to bring you closer to content most relevant to you. Our results are refined to combat spam and increase relevance to provide the best possible search experience. Twitter does not inject specific Tweets into search.

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