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The man under the hood in the infamous Abu Ghraib photograph talks about his ordeal

History 오늘 오후
15 years after the start of the US-led invasion of Iraq, the horrific treatment of Iraqi detainees at the hands of US troops has all but receded from public consciousness. In a profile of Ali al-Qaisi, who was wrongfully arrested and tortured at the notorious prison, he revealed some of his ordeal.
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Meet the man who was under the hood, electrocuted and urinated upon by US forces at Abu Ghraib.

답글 664개 리트윗 17,660개 16,953 마음

Remember the famous photo of an Abu Ghraib prisoner being tortured? Middle East Eye interviewed the man in the picture. ‘Till today, I cannot have a bathtub in my bathroom because then I remember the water boarding.’

답글 53개 리트윗 1,093개 1,708 마음

Ali al-Qaisi still "can't see a bathtub in the bathroom because I remember waterboarding" -- ex-detainee at

답글 4개 리트윗 100개 261 마음
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Is there also a longer video or an article?

답글 4개 리트윗 17개 201 마음
님, 님, 님에게 보내는 답글

Don't know about MEE, but there's this profile we did with him in 2015.

답글 10개 리트윗 212개 493 마음

"The pictures only show 5% of what happened to us." No one was held accountable. This is what American "democracy" does. These are American values.

답글 58개 리트윗 881개 1,364 마음
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답글 5개 리트윗 438개 624 마음
답글 2개 리트윗 93개 204 마음

A dfficult watch but a reminder of the legacy that remains of the

답글 6개 리트윗 159개 427 마음

Everybody needs to watch this and understand the physical + psychological trauma of with absolute clarity. There has been little justice & accountability for and other detainee abuses, and was just nominated to lead the CIA despite her involvement.

답글 6개 리트윗 516개 740 마음

Abu Ghraib: an American POW Camp near Baghdad where the torture that took place ACTUALLY galvanized a deadly Sunni/Shi’a alliance against U.S forces operating inside Iraq. Just one lesson in why torture doesn’t work.

답글 8개 리트윗 188개 463 마음
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It's an abomination. PS. And yet here we are again with Gina Haspel - DDT’s CIA director pick.

답글 7개 리트윗 85개 395 마음
님, 님에게 보내는 답글

Not truly, since the CIA had nothing to do with the tortures that went on at Abu Ghraib. That was a bunch of under-supervised sadists and dirtbags. Which does not mitigate the wrongs suffered by the detainees there, but Abu Ghraib does not link back to Gina Haspel.

답글 15개 리트윗 26개 92 마음
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Destruction of evidence. PS. Doesn't matter where torture takes place. The point is that torture is unacceptable no matter what.

답글 1개 리트윗 48개 256 마음

Trump’s nominee to lead the CIA staunchly advocated for the destruction of tapes showing detainees being tortured, and obtained the legal opinions that were used to justify their destruction, reports

답글 2개 리트윗 174개 271 마음

, pls don’t allow someone who was part of this run the CIA. I remember seeing the pictures but reading this poor man’s words is even worse than I imagined possible.

답글 3개 리트윗 95개 326 마음

The man under the hood in prison, 15 years on. How can anyone forget such horrendous atrocities endured by thousands.

답글 2개 리트윗 52개 173 마음

My niece, whose grandparents are from Mosul, is 17 years old now. Imagine growing up, coming across this part of history, and knowing you'll never be able to visit a place of your heritage?

답글 3개 리트윗 27개 158 마음
답글 16개 리트윗 287개 513 마음

And how did we let it go unpunished? And how are we now promoting Gina Haspel who was responsible for torture and its cover up?

답글 11개 리트윗 99개 283 마음

We don't let Americans be held accountable for war crimes. So the least we owe our victims is to hear their stories and not look away.

답글 14개 리트윗 531개 1,137 마음

On March 20, 2003, a US-led coalition invaded Iraq launching "Operation Iraqi Freedom."

답글 6개 리트윗 41개 90 마음

ProPublica came clean about a report that Trump's CIA pick oversaw the waterboarding of a specific detainee. "This error was particularly unfortunate because it muddied an important national debate about Haspel and the CIA's recent history," they stated.

답글 2개 리트윗 35개 55 마음