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  1. 2 órával ezelőtt
  2. 4 perccel ezelőtt

    4 millions de malentendant FR + Reférencement + Son coupé sur facebook > Besoin d'1 sous titreuse Fr/english dans tous les sens ? qui sache ce que veux dire Holder/Pump/PoS/Stake et Masternode ? --> en plein Rush pour ma Next Vidéo

  3. 4 perccel ezelőtt

    If you’re in verge right now, I would get out now. They only have 18 mil of the 75 mil needed in their crowd funding. I believe it will dump hard when they most likely won’t reach their goal. If you still want to be in it buy the dip.

  4. 4 perccel ezelőtt

    Proud to be part of this community and looking forward for the public ICO, to become part of this project!

  5. 47 perccel ezelőtt

    🎉🎉🎉 Celebrating our 4th anniversary!!! At 4:00 pm on March 25, 2014, our genesis block was released.

  6. 1 órával ezelőtt

    All TIHOSAY VISA® DEBIT CARD users can convert 9 different supported cryptocurrencies to local FIAT, withdraw cash, and for shopping.

  7. 2 órával ezelőtt

    New Advisor has come to Fixy. Stay updated for the news! For more information about Fixy Network, click here -

  8. 3 órával ezelőtt

    🚀We've passed 17,000 followers on Twitter! Thank you for following our journey. 🔥 Public starts 6th April 🔥 Participate now:

  9. 3 órával ezelőtt

    OMG ! This will make you laugh. How many of you have got a Femur Bone right across the face !!?? I have !!! !!

  10. 3 órával ezelőtt

    Photochain at the Cryptocurrency World Expo in Berlin ==>

  11. 3 órával ezelőtt

    The will open on the 6th April. The Digitize platform will offer wallet, exchange, payments and rewards. Exciting times are ahead. Join the whitelist at

  12. 3 órával ezelőtt

    We are counting down the hours to our long-awaited main token sale to open to the general public. There is no whitelist, but we strongly advise you register now to ensure you take part. Sign up today >>

  13. 4 órával ezelőtt
  14. 5 órával ezelőtt

    Airdrop 2nd round Total supply : 30,000,000 Symbol: DIAT Follow the steps: 1. Follow 2. Like 3. Retweet 4. Comment your ETH address (Only 3000 people)

  15. 6 órával ezelőtt

    Airdrop 5000 people ** 0.01 ETH = 5,000 RWC ** DEPOSIT ADDRESS** 0xb427251a73dc1e1deacaecbae1faadb055b15ef0** ✔️ Comment your ETH address

  16. 6 órával ezelőtt

    Do you need a follower? 1.) Like 2.) Retweet 3.) Commed 4.) Follow me and everyone who commend

  17. 6 órával ezelőtt

    almost reached 9000 members. We're expecting more than 30 000 soon. Join our group . Get tokens with 30% Discount.

  18. 6 órával ezelőtt

    I have Baruch... I have a Bank :) aaaaahhh RiPple! 🤣 Why the Ripple still in Crypto - Coin Market Cap?

  19. 7 órával ezelőtt

Úgy tűnik, a betöltés eltart egy darabig.

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