Policies for keyword targeting

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Twitter Ads Policies

This policy applies to Twitter’s paid advertising products, which are Tweets, trends and accounts.

For more information about Twitter’s paid advertising products, click here

For information about Twitter’s other policies, click here.

Updated March 13, 2014

Twitter Ads provide a range of targeting options to help advertisers reach users who may be interested in their content.

This article describes a policy that we have developed to help advertisers using keyword targeting in timeline to achieve their targeting goals without compromising users’ trust.

Advertisers using keyword targeting in timeline must adhere to this policy and all other Twitter Ads policies in order to advertise.

What's the policy?

Advertisers using keyword targeting in timeline may not select keywords that target sensitive categories. Unless otherwise provided in the country-specific requirements below, this policy applies globally.

Which sensitive categories may not be targeted?

  • Alleged or actual commission of a crime
  • Health
  • Negative financial status or condition
  • Political affiliation or beliefs
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Religious or philosophical affiliation or beliefs
  • Sex life
  • Trade union membership

How does this policy vary from country to country?


Advertisers targeting the U.S. may target based on trade union membership and political affiliation or beliefs.

What do advertisers need to know about this policy?

As with all advertising platforms, there are certain obligations to follow when using Twitter for advertising. Review our guidelines and make sure you understand the requirements for your brand, business, promoted content and targeting criteria. You are responsible for all your promoted content and targeting on Twitter. This includes complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding online advertisements.

When configuring the keywords in your campaign, be aware of the audience(s) you may reach and align your targeting and message in a way that is appropriate and compliant with our Twitter Ads policies. Using keywords to target users based on sensitive categories is not permitted in certain countries, could be considered inappropriate or offensive, and may reflect poorly on your brand, product, or service. Targeting users based on sensitive categories is a violation of our Twitter Ads policies.

Twitter takes violations of its Twitter Ads policies, the Twitter Rules and Terms of Service seriously. We will examine reported violations and take appropriate action, which may include removal of offending advertisements and advertisers from the Twitter Ads platform.


Have questions or feedback about something on this page?

If you are an advertiser whose account or Tweets are under review and you would like to check on the status or request an expedited review, please log in to ads.twitter.com and file a support ticket using the Help? button in the top right corner of your ads dashboard.

Learn more about blocking or dismissing ads by reading this article on “Reporting Twitter Ads”. To report an ad that is potentially violating these policies, use the Report an Ad form.

Using Twitter Ads Policy, the Twitter Rules and our Terms of Service, we will examine reported violations and take appropriate action.

If you are interested in advertising on Twitter and want to learn more, please visit business.twitter.com.

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