customizr theme feature what_is

What is the Customizr WordPress theme ?

The Customizr WordPress theme is a free web template that you can use with WordPress to easily create any type of website : business sites, blogs, portfolios, landing pages, forums, shops, etc. 
With a set of live preview options, Customizr does not require advanced technical skills to design and add content to your website. This theme is responsiveit adapts nicely on any type of device (desktop, tablets, smartphones) and is compatible with all modern browsers.
New to WordPress ? Jump to the Get Started guide.

Mobile Friendly

We are continuously improving our product to provide an exceptional user experience for your visitors. With the Customizr theme, your website loads fast and adapts nicely on any devices : smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
The image displays the results of the official Google Mobile Friendly test for the Customizr theme demo on ( )

customizr theme feature mobile_friendly


customizr theme feature documentation

Beautifully documented

We're putting a lot of work in our documentation and we hope you'll love browsing it. You can instantly find answers with our suggested results. If you think something is missing, contact us and we'll add it.


Key figures

100 000 +

Active websites powered by the Customizr theme

1 500 000 +



of 4+/5 stars reviews

150 +

Blog posts and reviews

Last update : December 2016, Sources : posts and reviews


Thousands of Customizr fans can’t be wrong.

read more reviews


Customizr, what for ?

WordPress is probably one of the best tools to publish and organize content (CMS) in the world, but a website is not only about content, it’s also about design. That’s where the Customizr theme comes in. The Customizr theme is a tool to bring design to your WordPress content.

When developing the Customizr theme, the first step has been to analyze the most frequent requests from my clients and to understand what makes a layout and design engaging for their visitors. Everyone has a specific design need for his or her website. A small pizza restaurant in Rome will obviously not target the same audience of a large private equitycompany based in San Francisco. Ultimately, the goal of those two very different websites is to present what they do in the most impactful and engaging way, hoping that a visitor will stay as long as possible, and even be converted into more than a simple visitor : client, follower, recurrent visitor….

The Customizr theme has been developed with some universal design principles in mind that will work on most websites,for example :

  1. Logo upload
  2. Featured content (page, post, images) with sliders, featured pages
  3. Easily select and apply beautiful typographies with a live Google Fonts picker
  4. Apply a specific page layout on a page or post basis


Under the hood, a the Customizr theme has been coded to ensure that your website :

  1. Loads fast (read more about the performance settings) ,
  2. Adapts to any devices (responsive) : desktop, tablets, smartphones,
  3. Is compatible with all the major browsers,
  4. Is optimized for SEO


A reliable and safe theme

The Customizr theme is the result of more than 3 years of development and improvements. Probably all possible mistakes, issues, errors, and plugin collisions have been reported, and for most of them fixed! (thanks to a vibrant community of users 🙂 )

Since there’s no such thing as bug-free software, we have our eyes peeled for any unknown or future bugs. If you have a question about Customizr, chances are it has already been asked and answered in the 10 000 + topics on the Customizr theme forum.

The Customizr theme is hosted on the theme’s repository. To be accepted on this repository, a theme has to respect detailed requirements and guidelines to ensure maximum security for its users, and to be compliant with WordPress best coding practices. Each time a new version is submitted, it goes through a control process with hundreds of automated checks, a final manual test, and an approval made by an administrator of the theme review team.


Made to be customizable

Since its inception, the Customizr theme has been designed to be easily customizable and extendable.

Live customizations with the WordPress Customizer

 skin The first level of customization can be accessed from the WordPress admin area, in Appearance > Customize. There you’ll find a set of options allowing you to change your site’s appearance in real-time. With 135 + different options to choose from, the theme offers endless possible combinations of unique webdesigns. Jump to the documentation to discover all the customization options included in the theme.


CSS customizations

For designers, Customizr offers a live Custom CSS  field to test and apply simple style modifications. For more complex style changes, the Customizr theme is child-theme ready and there’s no limit to overriding and extending the default CSS stylesheets of the theme.


Advanced Customizations with the WordPress hooks API

For more advanced developers, the theme takes advantage of the awesome filters and actions hooks API included in WordPress. The Customizr theme is entirely built on an extensible filter and action hooks API, which makes customizations an easy and enjoyable process, without ever needing to modify the core structure. The code acts like a collection of plugins that can be enabled, disabled or extended.

For example, adding two columns of pictures after the header is as simple as that :


Contribute to the Customizr WordPress theme

If you are a developer, blogger or a user of the theme, there are many ways to contribute to the theme :

  1. Contributing to the theme’s code. The Customizr theme is an open source software and all its code is available on Github. If you’ve discovered a bug or have improvement ideas, we’ll be happy to receive your pull requests.
  2. Publishing code snippets. The code snippet section is a library of ready-to-paste pieces of code to extend the theme’s core design or functionality. It goes from simple CSS snippets to advanced php code. If you want to share your ideas and even become a snippet author, please feel free to get in touch with us with this contact form.
  3. Translating the theme. We always need updates of existing translations and new languages added to the theme. To translate the theme and send us your contribution, please follow this guide.
  4. Publishing guides, video tutorials or posts. You’ve published a post about the theme, or you want to contribute to the documentation pages, guides and tutorials, please feel free to get in touch with us with this contact form.



Customizr is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later.

You can use it for commercial or non-commercial projects.



First of all, Customizr would never have existed if WordPress had not been created in 2003 by the very inspiring Matt Mullenweg. Thanks go to him for developing the best CMS in the world! The people below are all volunteers or developers who share their amazing code with the world.


WordPress Review Team

Those guys are doing an awesome job! They are a bunch a volunteers, WordPress experts, reviewing every single theme submitted to the platform. They carefully check if each theme is compliant with the guidelines (which is quite a big task to do believe me!) So thanks to them, and especially to the guys who reviewed and approved Customizr :

Customizr contributors

  • @ElectricFeet, snippets author and forum contributor
  • @rdellconsulting, snippets author and forum contributor
  • @acub, snippets author and forum contributor
  • @Tomaja,  snippets author and forum contributor
  • @d4z_c0nf, snippets author and forum contributor
  • The WordPress forum moderators who are doing such great volunteer work

Customizr core code contributors



Thanks to Dave Bardell for his awesome work and advice on creating and maintaining this documentation.