28 March 2018

Teachers’ rebellion spreads on four continents

By Eric London, 28 March 2018

Teachers in North and South America, Europe, Africa and elsewhere are fighting for higher wages, pensions, and in defense of the right to public education.

The struggle of teachers cannot be isolated! For a united movement of the entire working class!

By Jerry White, 28 March 2018

The wave of teachers’ strikes in the US and internationally has raised vital political and strategic issues, which must be discussed and debated to take this struggle forward.

As April 2 strike by Oklahoma educators looms
Arizona teachers prepare for mass statewide demonstrations

Lessons of the West Virginia teachers strike

More on US teachers »

Amid censorship drive, Facebook CEO to testify before Congress

By Andre Damon, 28 March 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, facing a media onslaught that has wiped out $80 billion from the company’s share value, has acquiesced to demands that he appear before Congress.

The truth about Cambridge Analytica-SCL: Psy-ops by UK-US deep state actors

Behind the Facebook data scandal: The drive to censor the Internet

Google sets up “news initiative” to censor political opposition and promote mainstream media

US Congress passes FOSTA law attacking internet freedom

By Will Morrow, 28 March 2018

The bill sets a precedent for prosecuting internet platforms based on the content published by users.

Russia: Protests against officials erupt in wake of Kemerovo fire

By Clara Weiss, 28 March 2018

The horrific fire at the Kemerovo “Winter Cherry” shopping mall and entertainment center on March 25 has brought social and political tensions in Russia to a boiling point.

Police will not face charges for the 2016 murder of Alton Sterling

By Shelley Connor, 28 March 2018

Sterling was face down on the pavement, struggling to move with bullets lodged in his chest, when Officer Salamoni shot him three more times.

North Korean leader holds unannounced talks in China

By Peter Symonds, 28 March 2018

Facing mounting threats from the Trump administration, China and North Korea are under pressure to mend an increasingly frosty relationship.

Anti-Semitism accusations against Corbyn aimed at criminalising the left

By Chris Marsden, 28 March 2018

Labour Friends of Israel, of which most MPs at Monday’s protest are members, is dominated by the party’s right-wing and was at the centre of the coup plot against Corbyn.

UK: Grenfell fire inquiry withholds vital evidence from the bereaved and survivors

By Paul Mitchell, 28 March 2018

Lawyers for the bereaved, survivors and local residents will be prevented from raising issues of a “social, economic and political nature.”

Grenfell Tower combustible cladding was never tested

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference and that’s how those in power view many in our society”
Grenfell fire: An interview with North Kensington resident Joe Delaney

Grenfell Fire Forum: Failed by the State co-director discusses smear campaign against his documentary

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

US carries out first drone strike in southern Libya

By Eddie Haywood, 28 March 2018

AFRICOM has been preparing for a massive escalation of armed drone flights conducted across the African continent from its recently constructed base in neighboring Niger.

Sri Lanka records lowest economic growth in 16 years

By Saman Gunadasa, 28 March 2018

The IMF is insisting on an austerity program to further slash social and living conditions.

New in Arabic

تصاعد مخاطر قيام الولايات المتحدة بمهاجمة سوريا وسط سقوط معقل " المتمردين"

١٩ آذار مارس ٢٠١٨

ثمة تقارير عن قيام حكومة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد باتخاذ إجراءات تحسباً ً لقيام الولايات المتحدة بتوجيه ضربة عسكرية ضد دمشق العاصمة.

New in Turkish

DEUK’un Türkiye’deki destekleyicisi Toplumsal Eşitlik’in açıklaması
Savaş karşıtı solcu öğrencilere yönelik kovuşturmayı durdurun

Toplumsal Eşitlik, 28 Mart 2018

Toplumsal Eşitlik, Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın açık talimatının ardından Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’ndeki savaş karşıtı solcu öğrencilere yapılan polis baskınlarına ve gözaltılara şiddetle karşı çıkar ve hükümetin bu adımlarını mahkum eder.

New in French

De grandes manifestations contre les mesures d'austérité du président Macron

Kumaran Ira, 28 mars 2018

Les grèves et manifestations expriment l’opposition sociale qui se développe contre le gouvernement Macron.

L'arrestation du président catalan Carles Puigdemont: un pas de plus vers un État policier en Europe

Peter Schwarz, 28 mars 2018

Les structures d'État policier à l'échelle européenne, qui ont vu le jour sous prétexte de combattre le terrorisme et sévir contre les réfugiés, sont maintenant déployées contre des opposants politiques.

Il y a 25 ans: désastre électoral pour Mitterrand et le Parti socialiste francais

28 mars 2018

New in Spanish

El arresto del presidente catalán Carles Puigdemont: otro paso hacia un Estado policial en Europa

Por Peter Schwarz, 28 marzo 2018

Las estructuras policiales-estatales paneuropeas que aparecieron bajo los pretextos de combatir el terrorismo y reprimir a los refugiados están siendo desplegadas en contra de opositores políticos.

Diplomáticos rusos expulsados por presunto envenenamiento de exespía en Reino Unido

Por Bill Van Auken, 28 marzo 2018

La expulsión masiva de diplomáticos rusos de EUA, 14 países de la Unión Europea, Canadá y Ucrania representa una campaña coordinada para allanar el camino hacia la guerra.

Alemania y Reino Unido confabulan respecto a órdenes de extradición españolas contra líderes catalanes, Puigdemont y Ponsatí

Por Steve James y Paul Mitchell, 28 marzo 2018

Se espera que Puigdemont esté detenido en Alemania por dos o tres meses antes de una decisión final sobre su extradición a España.

New in German

Giftanschlag auf Ex-Spion in Großbritannien: Russische Diplomaten ausgewiesen

Bill Van Auken, 28. März 2018

Die Ausweisung zahlreicher russischer Diplomaten aus den USA, vierzehn EU-Staaten, Kanada und der Ukraine ist Teil einer koordinierten Kampagne, die einem Krieg den Weg bereitet.

Italien: Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung paktiert mit Lega

Marianne Arens und Peter Schwarz, 28. März 2018

In Italien haben sich die Protestbewegung Cinque Stelle und die rechtsextreme Lega angenähert. Es gilt inzwischen als möglich, dass sie eine gemeinsame Regierung bilden.

Die Wahrheit über die Cambridge Analytica-SCL
Psychologische Operationen des britischen und amerikanischen „Staates im Staat“

Julie Hyland, 28. März 2018

Cambridge Analytica und SCL sind nicht Handlanger Russlands sondern haben für wichtige Teile des Militär- und Geheimdienstapparats der USA und Großbritanniens gearbeitet.

68. Internationale Berliner Filmfestspiele
„Waldheims Walzer“: Ein zeitgemäßer Film über den früheren österreichischen Bundespräsidenten

Stefan Steinberg, 28. März 2018

Ruth Beckermanns Film dokumentiert die Umstände um Waldheims Wahl zum Bundespräsidenten. Im Wahlkampf 1985-1986 wurde die Rolle der österreichischen Elite an der Seite der Nazis entlarvt.

Other Languages


The poisoning of Skripal and the campaign against Russia

28 March 2018

From the Zinoviev Letter of 1924 to the alleged poisoning of a double agent in the UK, both US and British intelligence have a long record of employing lies to justify war and reaction.

Earlier Perspectives »

Arts Review

Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread: Art for the artist’s sake

By David Walsh, 28 March 2018

Set in London in the 1950s, Anderson’s film concerns the relationship between a celebrated fashion designer, Reynolds Woodcock (Daniel Day-Lewis), and a young woman, Alma (Vicky Krieps).

68th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 5
Central Airport THF: In Berlin, the end of the road for many refugees

By Verena Nees, 26 March 2018


Stop the prosecution of left-wing anti-war students in Turkey

Statement of Toplumsal Esitlik—the ICFI’s Turkish supporters, 28 March 2018

The crackdown against Bogazici University students is part of broader repression against the workers and youth by President Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party.

The arrest of Catalan President Carles Puigdemont: Another step toward a police state in Europe

By Peter Schwarz, 27 March 2018

Germany and UK collude with Spanish extradition warrants against Catalan leaders Puigdemont and Ponsatí

By Steve James and Paul Mitchell, 27 March 2018

German Socialist Equality Party demands immediate release of Carles Puigdemont

Russian diplomats expelled over allegations of poisoning of ex-spy in UK

By Bill Van Auken, 27 March 2018

Germany: Why is the taz newspaper defending the far-right ideologue Baberowski?

By Christoph Vandreier, 27 March 2018

Geoffrey Rush lawsuit strikes blow against anti-democratic #MeToo campaign

By Richard Phillips and James Cogan, 22 March 2018

More on the sexual misconduct witch-hunt »

Black Lives Matter promotes illusions in African-American police chief after Sacramento police murder

By Alec Andersen, 26 March 2018

More on police violence in America »

Protest Against School Shootings in the US

Tens of thousands protest mass shootings in New York, Michigan, Boston and the southern United States

By Tom Hall, 27 March 2018

“This can be turned around by people who want to build a new society”
California: Protesters denounce war and social inequality

By our reporters, 27 March 2018

“I am motivated to make that change for our future generations”
Students, youth speak about war, inequality at DC March for Our Lives rally

“No more wars, no more violence!”
Over 80,000 youth and students in Chicago protest against mass violence

The international significance of the March for Our Lives demonstrations

By Eric London, 26 March 2018

The protests against school shootings and the growth of the class struggle

Now available from Mehring Books
New pamphlet: The social and political roots of mass shootings in America

By Shannon Jones, 24 March 2018

There is a growing awareness that something is deeply amiss with the present social order.

Workers Struggles

The UK Further Education strike: Lessons of the lecturers’ revolt against the University and College Union

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 27 March 2018

The role of the UCU Left in the effort to shut down the UK lecturers strike

For a unified socialist movement of lecturers and students!

More on the UK lecturers strike »

“We want to know the details of the agreement”
CWA tries to ram through sellout deal to end Frontier strike

By our reporters, 27 March 2018

Maruti Suzuki workers hold protest demanding release of 13 framed-up colleagues

By Saman Gunadasa, 21 March 2018

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

"They want you to feel if you speak up you'll be called a traitor or a Russian.”
Detroit autoworkers denounce effort to censor the Internet

By a reporting team, 23 March 2018

Public conference in Detroit April 22
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight against Internet censorship

12 March 2018

WSWS/SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

More on Internet censorship » »

Socialist Equality Party

Montreal meeting today to discuss Canada-US strategic alliance and the threat of world war

26 March 2018

Wednesday’s Socialist Equality Party (Canada) meeting will elaborate the socialist internationalist perspective that must animate the struggle against imperialist war and the Trudeau-Trump alliance.

Attend online and call-in forum March 27
The way forward for UK lecturers after the revolt against the University and College Union

24 March 2018

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) is hosting an online and call-in forum for lecturers, college staff, other education workers and students on Tuesday, March 27, at 7:30 p.m.

Sri Lankan workers’ inquiry meeting to announce findings on garbage disaster

By the Independent Workers Inquiry Committee, 17 March 2018

Australia: SEP meeting discusses government-media campaign over “African gangs”

By our reporters, 17 March 2018

25 years ago: Electoral disaster for Mitterrand and French Socialist Party

Elections held on March 28 and March 21, 1993 for the French National Assembly delivered a shattering blow to the Socialist Party of President François Mitterrand.

More »

50 years ago: Lyndon Johnson announces he will not run for reelection

“I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.”

More »

75 years ago: Axis troops forced to retreat in Tunisia

On March 26, the British Eighth Army secured victory of the Battle of the Mareth Line, forcing around 75,000 German and Italian troops to retreat deep into northern Tunisia.

More »


100 years ago: German-born director of Boston Symphony Orchestra arrested

On March 26, Karl Muck, director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, was imprisoned in East Cambria Jail in Massachusetts as an “enemy alien.”

More »

Mehring Books

Mehring Books publishes The Struggle against Imperialism and For Workers’ Power in Iran

24 March 2018

The pamphlet addresses pivotal issues of socialist strategy in a country that for decades has been a target of US imperialist intrigue and aggression, and where the working class, as heralded by the protests that opened 2018, is now striving to find the road of independent class struggle.

NHS Fightback

NHS FightBack: Reject health trade unions’ sellout NHS pay deal!

Statement by the Socialist Equality Party, 23 March 2018

More on NHS Fightback »


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.

The CIA and the Democratic Party

The CIA takeover of the Democratic Party

By Patrick Martin, 13 March 2018

The entry of dozens of intelligence and military veterans into this year’s congressional primaries amounts to a takeover of the Democratic Party by the CIA and Pentagon.

The CIA Democrats: Part one

By Patrick Martin, 7 March 2018


Some early modern populations in Britain may have had dark skin

By Philip Guelpa, 22 March 2018

Recently published research suggests that Mesolithic Britons may have had dark skin, but the science is unsettled.

Cosmologist Stephen Hawking dies at 76

By Bryan Dyne, 15 March 2018

WSWS 20th anniversary fund

Donate to support coverage of workers struggles!

The World Socialist Web Site sent a full-time reporting team to West Virginia to provide news coverage and a political perspective during the critical battle of teachers and school employees. Donate now so that we can continue this work!

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality! Take up the fight for socialism!

By the IYSSE (Australia), 14 March 2018

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) distributed the following statement at university orientation week events across Australia and in New Zealand.

Twenty years of the WSWS

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Autoworkers Struggles

Four months since the death of a young Ford worker
Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 22 February 2018