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News and updates from Google

Mountain View, CA
Participa desde fevereiro de 2009


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  1. 23 de mar

    Need some inspiration? Just say to hear from trailblazing women this . Explore more here →

  2. 23 de mar

    Weather is unclear, but a new season is here. Spring for this week’s search trends with data from

  3. 23 de mar

    You can bet our ears perked up when we heard it was . To celebrate, we asked photographer to give us her five best tips for taking the best 🐶 photos with the Pixel 2 →

    Photo of dog facing stuffed animal dog.
  4. 22 de mar

    Want to change the game? Design one with . We're launching the Design Challenge to inspire teens to build a diverse future for gaming →

  5. 22 de mar

    Today's pays tribute to geochemist Dr. Katsuko Saruhashi for her groundbreaking research, and for inspiring young scientists everywhere to succeed →

  6. 22 de mar

    Starting today, you can send or request 💰 from your contacts—for free—with help from your Google Assistant →

  7. 21 de mar

    How nonprofit is working with locals like the Tembé tribe to protect land from deforestation—using Google's machine learning technology →

  8. 21 de mar

    Hey, you. Yeah, you. Someone out there needs a guide like you. Get started with tips from to make your lists shine on Google Maps →

  9. 21 de mar

    A starry today to celebrate the birthday and legacy of Mexican astronomer Guillermo Haro ✨

  10. 21 de mar

    What will you make with ? With the Just a Line app, you can create simple drawings in augmented reality and share your creation with a short video →

  11. 20 de mar

    Achoooo! Spring may bring some sniffles, but your Google Assistant nose what to do. Explore more ways a quick can help you →

  12. 20 de mar

    Stop to smell the 🌷🌺🌼 (or do some leaf peeping!) in today’s seasonal marking the first day of spring and fall.

  13. 20 de mar

    Let's build a stronger future for news. With the , we're collaborating with the news industry to help journalism thrive in the digital age →

  14. 19 de mar

    With a new grant to develop computer science curriculum, and are helping a community school in Oakland bloom →

    Students from Roses in Concrete Community School pose together.
  15. 17 de mar

    Against a backdrop of peaceful greens and blues, today's marks a happy and pays homage to Ireland's earliest form of writing: ogham →

  16. 16 de mar

    Spring is around the corner, and photos are in bloom →

  17. retweetou
    16 de mar

    “We’re helping ex-army people share their knowledge and skills with the wider community.” See how use digital marketing to boost their first aid training company in Denmark →

  18. 16 de mar

    Memorable quotes and more topped this week's trending moments in Search →

  19. 16 de mar

    Today’s celebrating philanthropist George Peabody isn’t just on our homepage, it's also now on the wall of a San Francisco elementary school that shares his name →

  20. retweetou
    16 de mar

    Celebrating the women leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs who are driving business inclusion this month and every month →


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