Get help from your very own Twitter Assistant

The free Union Metrics Twitter Assistant analyzes your recent Tweets to provide customized recommendations for what you can do to increase engagement and grow your followers. Use it whenever you need fresh ideas for your Twitter strategy.

  • Increase impressions

    Expand the reach of your Twitter acccount by learning what generates the most impressions and why

  • Share the best content

    Learn what resonates with your audience (and what doesn’t) so you can create more impactful Tweets

  • Uncover new strategies

    Feel like you’ve reached a plateau on Twitter? Get new, customized ideas on what you can do to improve

  • Better reach your audience

    Discover when your audience is most active and how to target them with detailed engagement analysis

Union Metrics is a Twitter Official Partner dedicated to helping businesses and brands achieve more with their social marketing through better analytics. Join the more than 290,000 marketers who use our social intelligence tools.

Ready to get started?

It’s fast and free. Give it a go.

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