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Member Benefits Update March 2018

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what's happening in your state for International Women's Day, learn about the gender gap in Superannuation, there are our FREE footy tipping competitions for union members to join, you can register for the 2018 Mother's Day Classic and save a tonne with great 'union member only' deals on home insurance and new cars.  Plus there's another couple of fantastic DVDs to win.  


The money mistake you can't afford to make

One in four Australians are making a big mistake with their money and it’s draining their finances.

Research shows 25% of Aussies are not paying off debt even though they’re sitting on cash savings. And it turns out it’s not something that’s unique to Australians. Researchers in the UK have even coined the term “co-holding” to describe the habit of being in debt while having savings.

There can be perfectly logical reasons to hold both debt and savings. After all, having a pool of spare cash makes us more confident about managing an emergency.  The problem is, co-holding could be costing you dearly. Let’s do the sums to see why.

Questions at Work

Job Hunting and Facebook: Approach with Caution!


Sanjeev asks:

I finished year 12 last year and I’m starting to look for a job. My brother told me I need to clean up my Facebook before I start looking. Is he right?

Do Work Rules Apply at Work Parties?

Daniel asks: What’s the go with work functions? There were drinks last week for one of the people who were retiring. My boss was there and most of the staff.  I got a bit trashed and started making comments to one of the women I work with in front of everyone. I was being funny and I was just having a laugh and a flirt with her but she got all upset and carried on. I guess I should say sorry but surely it’s not a work issue as it happened after hours?

Should Apprentices Be Paid for Going to Training?

Wassim asks: I'm going to start an apprenticeship to be a mechanic next month. I'm worried because I can’t afford to take time off from work to go to TAFE. My sister says I should be paid when I go to TAFE. Is she right?

