Optimizing for followers campaigns


  • Where Will My Followers Campaign Show Up?
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    Followers campaigns present users with ads suggesting they follow your account in several places such as home timelines, search results, and the “Who to Follow” section. Please note: Tweets are not required to run a Followers campaign, as it is possible to show up in other sections (such as the “Who To Follow” section) without adding Tweets to your campaign.

    While not required, it’s a good practice to include a Tweet to let potential followers understand your brand more clearly. You can either create a new Tweet that will describe why users should follow your account, or select an existing Tweet from the Tweet selector. Additionally, not including a Tweet for your Followers campaign can limit the reach of your campaign. If you’re going to run the Followers campaign, you might as well maximize the reach potential with the features that are available!

    Showing your Followers campaigns in user’s timelines makes it easier for you to connect with the large number of users. Followers Campaigns in timeline are best used to:

    • Highlight special offers or contests that are exclusively available to your followers.
    • Target your fans or a specific audience with a tailored message that is relevant to them.
    • Get creative with events and time sensitive messages.

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  • How Should I Target My Followers Campaign?
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    • When selecting targeting parameters, don’t limit your selections to those that directly align with your business. Think about all the interests your audience is likely to have. For example, the target audience for a bike shop might also include people who enjoy surfing, sailing and skiing.
    • Create campaigns for each of your different customer segments. Match your targeting to each segment’s interests. By tailoring your content you can control your bids independently. We recommend creating 3-4 separate campaigns to target a range of different interests. This will allow you to more accurately monitor impressions, follows, and follow rates, and you can then fine tune your bids from that data.
    • Include 10 - 20 @usernames and interests. Keep them in tightly-grouped categories (industry influencers, competitors, etc.). The People Search function on Twitter is a great way to find more @usernames to add.
    • You may want to set up a separate campaign to target “users like your followers”. Since your followers are already interested in your account, and you are targeting users similar to them, this targeting parameter usually yields the highest follow rate and lowest CPF (cost per follow).

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  • What Are Some Best Practices For My Followers Campaign?
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    • Do: Include “follow us” in your Tweet.
    • Do: Let the user know why they should follow you.
    • Do: Craft a clear bio and use a professional background image on your profile, as users will usually click on the profile page before deciding to follow an account.
    • Don’t: Add extra links that distract from the Follow button. We will not expand any additional links or pictures.
    • Don’t: Add excessive hashtags that may distract from following. 

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  • What Should I Do After Launching My Campaign?
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    After launching your campaigns and letting them run to collect data, you’ll find certain campaigns are producing a higher follow rate and a lower CPF (cost per follow). In these cases, you can choose to reallocate budget to those campaigns to make sure you’re achieving the maximum effectiveness for your campaigns.

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