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Twitter Ads Manager

Below you'll find information and tips on how to best use Twitter Ads Manager to manage your campaigns. 


  • What is Twitter Ads Manager?
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    We want every advertiser to get the best performance from their campaigns. Our newly updated Twitter Ads Manager, provides a central workspace to plan, manage, and report on campaigns. It allows marketers to easily view and optimize performance at multiple levels - campaigns, ad groups, or promoted Tweets and other ads. 

    You can see Ads Manager by logging into your Ads Account (, where you will automatically be brought to the Ads Manager as your home screen.  From there, you can customize your view to see relevant campaigns, creatives, and results.

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  • Ads Manager Features
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    Read below to see how to use key Ads Manager features:

    Custom filters

    Use campaign filters across the top of Ads Manager to more easily find the campaigns, ad groups, or ads you want to evaluate. You can filter campaigns by:

    • Funding source
    • Objective
    • Status
    • Campaign name

    Add as many filters as you want by clicking “add filter” shown below:

    You can also save these filters, to easily go back to any filtered view. Filter sets are unique to each advertiser.

    Custom metrics

    By default you will see all Results, Cost per Result, and Result rate - by objective. To see what is considered a Result per objective, please click here. To view preset metrics by objective, click on the objective in the “Metrics: Summary” drop-down. 

    You can also view a number of other metrics for your campaign by clicking on “Customize metrics.”

    • There you will be able to select or unselect any metric you wish.
    • It’s also possible to save your selection of metrics as a Custom report. Save your preset by entering in a name for the selections, and clicking “save.”
    • Custom reports allow you to go back to that metric set anytime, for fast campaign analysis.

    Campaign structure

    We’ve added new levels to our campaign structure to give you more control:

    You can see these levels in your Ads Manager tabs:

    How do ad groups work in the new structure?

    Campaign: A campaign corresponds to a single advertising objective, like Tweet engagements. Think of your campaign as a bag of money and the dates correspond to when you want to spend that money.

    Make quick edits to:

    • Campaign name
    • Campaign end date
    • Campaign daily budget
    • Campaign total budget

    Note: bids are found at the ad group level. To view and make edits to bids, toggle to the ad groups tab.

    Ad groups:
     Ad groups are how you want to spend your money. Here, you can set budget, targeting and placement for each of your campaigns. One campaign can have many ad groups and an ad group can contain one or more Tweets.

    Make quick edits to:

    • Ad group name
    • Ad group end date
    • Bid type
    • Bid amount

    Reminder: bids are found at the ad group level. To view bid data, always toggle to the ad groups tab. For more on ad groups find our Help Center article here

    Ads: Tweets are found at the Ads level. You can have multiple promoted Tweets ('Ads') in a single ad group. The system will auto optimize to the best performing creative within an ad group.

    You can view performance for each ad, filtered by creative type:

    • Tweets: Promoted Tweets (including promoted video)
    • Display creatives: Creative used on the Twitter Audience Platform
    • In-stream videos: Video used in Amplify pre-roll

    #Protip: Hover over the creative to preview. You can also play and pause creatives at the ads level by clicking on the running/pause button.

    Controlling spend at the campaign and ad group levels:

    Think of your campaign as the main source of power to deliver ads. If your campaign is off, your ad groups won’t be able to run (even if the ad groups are technically on).

    If your campaign is on, your ad groups are able to run.

    How does this work in action?

    You can save time optimizing budget by building out multiple ad groups within a campaign and setting budget at the campaign level. Twitter will auto optimize to the best performing ad group within a campaign.

    In the example below, Twitter would auto optimize to the best performing ad group, while not spending more than $50 total per day or above $3000 for the entire campaign.

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  • How to select and view custom metrics
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    Custom metrics model

    Our custom metrics model allows you to do all of the following in Ads Manager:

    • Search metrics by name
    • Use the categories to navigate through available metrics
    • Add and remove metrics
    • Change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping
      • #Protip: top to bottom in the model corresponds to left to right columns in the dashboard
    • Save the metric set you’ve customized

    Once you have saved a metric set it will become available in the metrics dropdown with your other presets.

    You can share a view by clicking the “share” button to the right of “export”. This allows anyone with access to the account to see the view you’ve created.

    Campaign sorting and metric definitions

    • Click on the ▼ icon to sort a column
    • Hover over the (?) icon to see a definition of each metric
    • These tips are also available if you hover over a metric in the metrics customization model
      • Note: sorting is maxed at 2500 rows

    Audience details

    You're able to view audience breakdown by locations, keywords, handles, behaviors, gender, language, platform, and interests.

    Click on the ‘Audience’ tab to view audience details. To export data at the audience level, click on the “Export” button from this page.

    Activity history

    View what changes were made to your campaign or ad group and see which optimizations were made and by whom.

    Click into an individual campaign or ad group to see the history log.

    Breakdown by day, placement, device, creatives

    See your results broken out on Twitter vs Twitter Audience Platform, Android vs iPhone, or by creative

    Breakdown by placement: Navigate to ‘Breakdown: Placement’ and click on ‘Placement’ or Placement + Daily’. The dashboard will show a breakdown between Twitter and Twitter Audience Platform delivery for each level of the campaign structure: funding sources, campaigns, ad groups & ads.

    Breakdown by device: Navigate to ‘Breakdown” and select “Device”. The dashboard will show a breakdown between devices for each level of the campaign structure: funding sources, campaigns, ad groups, ads.

    Breakdown by creative: To view aggregated Tweet data across campaigns, select “breakdown: Creative”.

    Remember to toggle to Tweets, Display creatives, or In-stream videos depending on the type of media you want to view. You can add Tweet ID and Tweet media type as custom columns to enable easy filtering & sorting.

    Customize charting

    You're able to customize charts to visualize your key KPIs.

    At the campaign, ad group & ads levels, click on the drop down at the top of the chart to select the metric you want to visualize. You can customize the list of metrics you see by adding them through the custom metrics model.

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  • How to export data
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    Data Exports

    You can report on campaign lifetime instead of hourly or daily breakouts for faster analysis:

    1. Use custom filters and metrics to create your dashboard view

    2. Click ‘export’ and navigate to ‘export data’

    3. Select ‘breakdown: None’ to export exactly what you see in the dashboard

    You may also download audience metrics.

    Please note: Data for website conversions by tag is only available via export. It is recommended you use the universal website tag in order to view conversion data in the UI. You can find out more about conversion tracking here

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  • Where can I find my invoice?
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    To find your Twitter Ads invoice, you'll simply need to click on your profile name in the top right corner. From the drop-down, please select "Billing history".

    Once selected, you will then access the "Billing history" page and from there you can view all of the invoices on your ads account.

    Have another question on billing within Twitter Ads? Check out our Billing Basics page for helpful answers. 

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  • How do I start a campaign?
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    Navigate to the ‘Create campaign’ drop-down and select the type of campaign you’d like to create. For more on how to setup campaigns please see this page. Steps to delete a campaign can be found here

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