Scheduled Tweets

You can now schedule Tweets to be posted in the future.  Both organic and promoted-only Tweets can be scheduled for future delivery, and as needed, coordinated to go live with new or existing campaigns.

Anything that can be calendared in advance can be scheduled, such as new product releases or regular updates. In addition, you can use this feature to publish Tweets on the weekend, evenings, or other inconvenient times — to keep your Twitter presence lively around the clock. Tweets can be scheduled up to a year in advance and down to 1-minute granularity.


  • Creatives Tab
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    You can use the "Creatives" tab to create and manage both cards and scheduled Tweets:

    In this Tweets manager, you can view promoted-only, scheduled, organic, or all Tweets in your campaigns. To find your scheduled Tweets, simply click "Scheduled Tweets" from the dropdown menu.

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  • I can’t find the “Creatives” tab
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    If you do not see the “Creatives” tab, this is likely because your account does not have a credit card on file. The creatives tab and Tweet scheduling now appear after entering a credit card, there is no spend required when you add a credit card.

    After adding a credit card, you will have access to all cards (website, mobile app promotion, etc.), conversion tracking, audience manager, and also the ability to schedule and manage Tweets through the “Creatives” tab.

    To set up a credit card, please click on your account name on the top right and navigate to “set up credit card payment” from the drop down menu.

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  • How to create a scheduled Tweet
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    There are two ways to create scheduled Tweets — via the creatives tab, or the Tweet composer at the top right of Twitter Ads.

    To get started, either:

    • Click the Tweet button at the top right of


    • Click the New Tweet button at the top right of the Tweets manager within the creatives tab

    When the Tweet box pops up, add Tweet text, as well as a photo, location, or card as desired.  Then, select from the following three options to decide how, where, and when you want your content delivered:


    • Standard — choose to deliver your Tweet organically, to all followers
    • Promoted-only — only deliver your Tweet to users as part of a Promoted Tweet campaign; not organically to your followers.


    • If desired, add your Tweet to an existing Promoted Tweet campaign (optional)


    • Post Now
    • Custom Delivery — select a date and time in the future, up to 1 year in advance. Note the Time zone indicated; this is tied to the advertiser’s account.

    Both organic and limited-delivery Tweets may be scheduled. Both types of Tweets will display in campaign setup, and can be targeted to an advertiser’s audience of choice.

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  • Adding scheduled Tweets to campaigns
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    Promoting a scheduled Tweet is easy. Once you have created a scheduled Tweet in the creatives tab, create a new campaign, or navigate to an existing campaign, and you will see the scheduled Tweet available for promotion.

    If you are in the process of setting up a campaign, you may also use the Tweet button at the top right of Twitter Ads to create a scheduled Tweet. This will immediately display in the Tweet selector, and be available to add to your current campaign.

    Complete campaign setup by selecting targeting, budget and bids, and then publishing or saving your campaign.

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  • Scheduled Tweet management
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    All management, including editing and deletion, of scheduled Tweets is done through the creatives tab.

    To delete a scheduled Tweet, simply check the box for the scheduled Tweet and click the "Delete selection" button.

    To edit a scheduled Tweet, click the "Edit" button on the right-hand side. Then edit your Tweet content, delivery, promotion, and/or scheduling details. Click the "Update scheduled Tweet" button to save your changes.

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  • FAQs
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    Is a credit card required to schedule Tweets? 

    Tweet scheduling now appears after entering a credit card. It’s important to note that there is no spend required when you add a credit card to schedule Tweets.

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