Optimizing for app install or re-engagements campaigns


  • What Should My Promoted Tweet Include?
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    Tweet Copy Best Practices

    • Display your discounts and show specific prices.
    • Let the audience know if you have a high rating from users or received positive press.
    • As a question, it helps users feel like they’re part of the conversation.
    • Avoid excessive capitalization and unnecessary exclamation marks.
    • Avoid distractions (i.e. don’t use a “@” or “#”).
    • 80 to 100 characters is the sweet spot for Tweet length.
    • Use words that relay urgency, such as “now”, “hurry”, “quick”, “running out”, “today only”, “limited time”, etc.
    • Avoid generic superlatives (i.e. “the best!”, “#1!”).
    • Use the 2nd person tense - Tweets that directly address the user with “you” or “your”.
    • Blog post of 5 Tweet Copy Best Practices

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  • How Should I Test My Tweet Copy?
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    TEST TEST TEST: Testing is vital for figuring out what works with your audience, for your campaign specifics, and for your business. We recommend 4-6 different Tweets so that you can test out copy variations, such as:

    • Using symbols and numbers (i.e. is “20% off” more effective, or “$10 savings”?).
    • Different styles of customer testimonials (i.e. a quote from a good review, or the quantity of good reviews?).
    • Timely messages (reference to a recent event generate more interest than a more timeless approach?).
    • Create specific app cards for different target groups, with aligned targeting & messaging.

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  • What Are Some Best Practices For My MAP Campaign?
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    The Image

    • Show an engaging image to encourage people to download your app.
    • Showcase your product, or highlight a great screenshot showing an exciting in-app moment.

    Explain the process

    • The goal of a campaign is often to reach new customers, so you can’t assume they already know how your product or service works. A quick 1,2,3 diagram or concise sentence can get your value proposition across at a glance.


    • If you’re geo-targeting your campaign, align your image to the city or region you’re targeting.
    • Note: Tweet performance varies by geography. What works in one location may not work in all locations. 

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  • What Are My Bidding Options?
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    There are different types of bidding when it comes to running Mobile App Promotion Campaigns to help you achieve the highest possible ROI. Please note, you cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.

    • Cost per app click bidding (CPAC): Allows you to maximize campaign scale by bidding and paying on the app click.
      - Bid on App Click, pay for App Click
    • Optimized action bidding (OAB): Enables you to bid on the install rather than the app click.
      - Bid on Install, pay for App Click
    • Cost per install bidding (CPI): Allows you to bid and pay for the app install, ensuring that you only pay when Twitter drives an install.
      - Bid on Install, pay for Install

    When launching CPI bidding campaigns, please remember the following:

    • You cannot reduce the budget once a CPI bidding campaign has been created, however you can increase the budget
    • You will be billed off of Twitter’s default attribution window of 30 day click / 1 day view with CPI bidding
    • Since Twitter charges on time of install (not time of impression), spend could potentially increase after pausing campaigns

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