
ARA-LA Presented at Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism Conference in Bay Area

Michael Novick, editor of TTT and founder of ARA-LA/PART, presented a very well-attended and received workshop at the recent ROAR Conference (Revolutionary Organizing Against Racism) put on in the Bay Area by NoCARA (Northern California ARA). He also participated in a lively panel presentation and Q&A with other former members of the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee (JBAKC). [The JBAKC video from the late 80s/early 90s is posted to the anti-racistaction_la youtube channel.]

Novick’s workshop on Fascism and How to Fight It: Decolonization and Liberation stood out because of its participatory nature.  After some brief remarks outlining the roots of US fascism in settler colonialism, and time for Q & A, the facilitator invited people to break out into small groups to discuss with specificity how to organize for revolutionary anti-fascist politics in scenes and communities dominated by corporate liberal politics (such as in organized labor, the women’s movement, etc) or being infiltrated by neo-nazis (such as death metal and other counter-cultural scenes like Pagans or similar quasi-religious expressions). The workshop ended with report-backs and discussions from 5 or 6 such small groups.

You can see a brief outline of the presentation and the suggestion discussion areas and questions at:

The tumblr also has the longer analysis of the links and roots of capitalism and fascism in settler colonialism, land theft, slavery and genocide. Here:

Hello world!

We’re going to do some newsy blogging here. We also blog, especially more theoretical and lengthier stuff at which you are more than welcome to follow us on.

Here’s the cover of a recent issue of “Turning The Tide/A Journal of Inter-communal Solidarity.” You can download a pdf of the print edition of the current issue and many past issues going back at least a decade (TTT has been published without interruption at least quarterly since 1987, so we are 30 years old) at We are in the process of scanning and posting those three decades of content.