
Free TAFE is back in 2021 - as the engine room in the economic recovery.

And TAFE is getting Victorians into jobs.

Like Nabil.


Nabil is a Sous Chef at Sunda Dining and a William Angliss Institute graduate.

And he is seriously impressive. His skills are second to none.

He even made delicious roti with a vegemite mousse while I was there.

It’s what TAFE is all about.

And there are Free TAFE courses available in hospitality.

There has never been a better time to follow your passion.

और देखें
1 व्यक्ति और अंदर की फ़ोटो हो सकती है
1 व्यक्ति, खड़े रहना और अंदर की फ़ोटो हो सकती है
भोजन और अंदर की फ़ोटो हो सकती है

By boosting capacity to break down glass and plastics, Victoria is building up a more sustainable future.

Seven recycling projects across the state will benefit from funding of over $8.1 million, to upgrade or build new facilities.

For Warrnambool’s Wheelie Waste project, this means a grant of more than $480,000 to increase glass recycling capacity.


Projects such as these will not only create jobs for locals, but also double our recycling of glass, and increase plastic recycling by forty percent.

This funding comes as part of Recycling Victoria - the 10-year plan to transform our recycling system and find reliable ways to reduce waste.

और देखें
1 व्यक्ति और वह टेक्स्ट जिसमें 'CREATING 70 CREATING7ONEW NEW FULL TIME JOB $8.1M INVESTMENT IN RECYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE' लिखा है की फ़ोटो हो सकती है
Work on the upgrade at Teesdale Primary School will be starting soon, with BDH Constructions awarded the contract for the project. The upgrade will see a ramp installed to ensure the front entrance is accessible for all, along with refurbished learning spaces and staff areas. Can’t wait to see the results!
Free TAFE online
Extra trains on the Geelong line!