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Brazil's Landless Workers Movement under Attack | NewsClick

We defend the Constituent Assembly

The national leader of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), the economist João Pedro Stédile, is at the frontline for the liberation of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He predicts that if Lula’s candidacy is prevented, a political crisis will become even more acute.

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Nicaragua & Seal

What’s really happening in Nicaragua?

Violent protests have been going on since April of this year, forcing residents to stay indoors. While the corporate media and an army of online trolls have been making false claims about the Ortega government, the reality is exactly the opposite.

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LENIN'S TOMB- Imperialism, feudal and capitalist.

On capital-imperialism: an interview with Virgínia Fontes

In her book Reflexões im-pertinentes: História e capitalismo contemporâneo published in 2005, she examined the development of capitalism and its new forms of commodification through a combination of theoretical reflection and empirical analysis. Based on the concept of expropriation, her research reflects a recovery of the critique of political economy in social theory.

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