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Let Australians die as they want to, says Productivity Commission

Let Australians die as they want to, says Productivity Commission

Tens of thousands of terminally ill Australians are dying in hospitals when they would rather be dying at home, a Productivity Commission inquiry has found.

  • by Peter Martin

Opinion & Perspectives

The terrifying real-life horror story of the road that can't be killed

East West Link zombie project giving the government nightmares yet again

Adam Carey
Adam Carey

If new governments can't undo what old ones have done, what's the point of elections?

If company tax cuts become law, and then Labor undoes the law, will it have exposed investors to sovereign risk?

Peter Martin
Peter Martin

'I knew nothing ... and that is the end of the matter'

It's known as the Sergeant Schulz defence, and politicians know it well. Daniel Andrews is no exception.

Farrah Tomazin
    Farrah Tomazin


    If new governments can't undo what old ones have done, what's the point of elections?
    Company tax

    If new governments can't undo what old ones have done, what's the point of elections?

    If company tax cuts become law, and then Labor undoes the law, will it have exposed investors to sovereign risk?

    • by Peter Martin
    Illustration: Dionne Gain

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