Trump’s policy should be called ‘Corporate America First’, argues Mark Engler.

We are not abandoning the inquiry. We are desperate to participate, but it must be thorough and credible, says an alliance of people spied on by Britain's secret police.

Nick Dowson speaks with the indigenous lawyer and campaigner fighting a gas pipeline in Mexico.

Noam Chomsky shares his views with Andy Heintz on America’s ‘free trade agreements’, North Korea and the dangers of a ‘charismatic demagogue’ as president.

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Latest issue

February 2018, Issue 510

Also this issue …

  • Noam Chomsky talks to Andy Heintz
  • Plantation leaves no land, no jobs for villagers
  • Introducing... Iceland’s new PM
  • No promised land: how Israel is failing asylum seekers
  • Indigenous lawyer Anabela Carlón Flores vs. the pipeline

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