Topic of the Week: Egoism

  • Posted on: 26 March 2018
  • By: @muse

Why has egoism recently emerged as an obsession in anarchist thought, and Stirner a mascot of anarchism?

Is it because the recent translation has revitalized the dusty rhetoric of The Ego and His Own into something more accessible and interesting to younger anarchists?

Is it due to the multiple colorful internet personalites that go to great lengths to popularize and fiercely defend Stirner's ideas across various social media platforms?

Chasing Ambulances

  • Posted on: 29 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

How should leftists have engaged with this weekend’s March for Our Lives?

Over a million people attended nationally-coordinated rallies calling for federal laws restricting the sale of firearms. Students who survived the recent school shooting in Parkland, FL headlined the main Washington, DC march (alongside performances by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Miley Cyrus, and other celebrities). Meanwhile, more than 800 satellite events featured Democratic office-holders, from Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Plenty of socialists showed up as well, hoping to “put forward an alternative to this system that is built on violence at its core.

Athens, Greece: “You Are An Anarchist, Therefore You Are A Terrorist As Well”

  • Posted on: 28 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

On November 29, 2017, in the Korydallos prison court, started the trial on 2nd degree (appeal court) of the comrades Argyris Dalios, Giannis Michailides, Dimitris Politis, Nikos Romanos and Gerasimos Tsakalos (member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire). The accusations were bank and post office expropriations, possession of ammunition, forgery, incendiary attacks, while initially (in the 1st degree) the comrades were accused of participation in the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, an accusation that falls under the antiterrorist law 187A.

Athens, Greece: Explosive Attack Against the Evelpidon Court Complex by Circle of Asymmetric Urban Warfare FAI-FRI

  • Posted on: 28 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

28.03.18: An Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI-FRI) cell named Circle of Asymetric Urban Warfare have claimed responsibility for an explosive attack against the Evelpidon Court Complex in Athens that took place during the early morning hours of Saturday the 24th of March. The police and establishment media initially tried to cover up the attack by maintaining a strict silence regarding it, but have now admitted the action took place following the publication of the claim of responsibility on Athens Indymedia. The bomb detonated in a police sentry-box behind the court complex causing minor damages and no injuries.

The events of ’68 (1868, that is)

  • Posted on: 28 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

This year’s 150th anniversary of the first vote under a working-class franchise needs to be remembered. In 1868 the first parliament elected by the working class achieved many anarchist socialist goals including a major reduction in the power of the centralised state. This and other achievements have been reversed over the last four decades, and it is not Labour or Conservative Party policy today to reduce the dominance that central government has reclaimed.

By reminding ourselves how the working-class franchise was won and what it achieved through local action, we can see what the country has recently lost and how to regain it.

Episode 37 The Magnificast interview with the radical Quaker Friendly Fire Collective

  • Posted on: 26 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

Me and Hye Sung Francis from the Friendly Fire Collective were interviewed by Dean and Matt from another radical Christian podcast called The Magnificast about our Quaker organizing praxis, our upcoming May Day retreat in Philadelphia, and more! The deadline to apply for the retreat has been extended to March 29th, so if you are interested there is still time to apply :)

Sprout Distro: New Zines and Books in our Catalog

  • Posted on: 26 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

We have added some new zines and a couple of books to our catalog. As always, all of the zines on this website are available as free PDF downloads. Please copy them and use them as a means to interact in the “real world”.

Additionally, if you need copies, we do mail order through Storenvy. Or you can contact us for bulk orders.
