antifa notes (september 16, 2015)


• Joshua Goldberg eh? Unmasking a troll: Aussie ‘jihadist’ Australi Witness a 20-year-old American nerd, The Age, Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, September 12, 2015 | FBI says ‘Australian IS jihadist’ is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg, Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, The Age, September 12, 2015 | Joshua Goldberg, the fake Aussie jihadist, had a hand in every online fight, Elise Potaka, Luke McMahon and Michael Bachelard, The Age, September 13, 2015. See also : The Goldberg Variations: A 9/11 bomb plot exposes a “hate speech” hoax., James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal, September 14, 2015.

Note that Goldberg posted as ‘Michael Slay’ on US neo-Nazi website ‘Daily Stormer’ and was prolific on reddit as ‘European88’.

Like a large number of other neo-Nazis, fascists, White supremacists and other l00ns, Goldberg had a particular obsession with Australia and Australian politics, supposedly on the basis of laws considered to be overly-restrictive on ‘freedom of speech’ but just as likely because of its history as a White colonial-settler state. Joining him in batshit analysis of Australian conditions is Sydney-based Australia First Party member ‘Nathan Sykes’ (as ‘Hamish Patton’). Sykes/Patton’s latest series of contributions to the site include ‘Government Dumps Tony Abbott for Self-Described “Jew” Prime Minister’, ‘Jew York Times Jews Out on Oz’s ‘Stop the Boats’ Policy’, ‘Jews Again: Australian PM Compares ISIS to Nazis, Kikes Go Mental’, ‘Jews Cry “Double Holocaust” After Courtesy Mist Showers Installed at Auschwitz’, ‘Science Un-Racists White Babies in New White Genocide Program’ and ‘White Women Support Self-Genocide via Jew Programming’.

*rolls eyes*

As well as contributing to Daily Stormer, Sykes/Patton was one of X number of neo-Nazis present at Reclaim Australia rallies in Sydney this year. Speaking of which …

• The United Patriots Front (UPF) has declared that it will be forming a political party.



Like UPF leader ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ (Shermon Burgess) and his promise to make a pornographic film to fund his movement, it’s far from certain how seriously the endeavour should be taken, but if it goes ahead then the UPF will be entering a fairly crowded market, one including the (deregistered) neo-fascist Australia First Party, the Q Society’s Australian Liberty Alliance, Nick Folkes’ (unregistered) Party For Freedom (PfF), Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and moar.

See : Far-right group UPF plans to run for Senate and campaign on right to ‘bare arms’, Bianca Hall, The Age, September 11, 2015.

• Speaking of Folkes’ and his Freedom, the PfF have organised an event in Cronulla to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Cronulla riots.


• In general, the far right is not. happy. that Tony Abbott has been junked by the Liberals for Malcolm Turnbull, widely understood to be a ‘communist’ , ‘left-wing’ and (hence) a ‘traitor’ to The Nation.

See : After Abbott: anti-Islam right-wingers confused about who to vote for, Michael Bachelard, The Age, September 15, 2015.


One local neo-Nazi who may be happy at Turnbull’s elevation to Prime Minister is Felicity Sharpe, here pictured with Turnbull at a function earlier this year. Sharpe featured in a blog post I done back in June: Felicity Sharpe, neo-Nazism, United Patriots Front … and (June 22, 2015). I took it down at her request … only to witness her re-appear at the UPF rally in Melbourne on July 18.

• Finally, some news from other islands, in this case Dover in England, where neo-Nazis held a li’l rally against all them foreigners …

Neo-Nazi mob riots at anti-immigration protest, libcom, September 13, 2015 | We Watched Nazis Fight Anti-Fascists in Dover on Saturday, Simon Childs, Vice, September 14, 2015.