antifa notes (september 16, 2015)


• Joshua Goldberg eh? Unmasking a troll: Aussie ‘jihadist’ Australi Witness a 20-year-old American nerd, The Age, Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, September 12, 2015 | FBI says ‘Australian IS jihadist’ is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg, Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, The Age, September 12, 2015 | Joshua Goldberg, the fake Aussie jihadist, had a hand in every online fight, Elise Potaka, Luke McMahon and Michael Bachelard, The Age, September 13, 2015. See also : The Goldberg Variations: A 9/11 bomb plot exposes a “hate speech” hoax., James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal, September 14, 2015.

Note that Goldberg posted as ‘Michael Slay’ on US neo-Nazi website ‘Daily Stormer’ and was prolific on reddit as ‘European88’.

Like a large number of other neo-Nazis, fascists, White supremacists and other l00ns, Goldberg had a particular obsession with Australia and Australian politics, supposedly on the basis of laws considered to be overly-restrictive on ‘freedom of speech’ but just as likely because of its history as a White colonial-settler state. Joining him in batshit analysis of Australian conditions is Sydney-based Australia First Party member ‘Nathan Sykes’ (as ‘Hamish Patton’). Sykes/Patton’s latest series of contributions to the site include ‘Government Dumps Tony Abbott for Self-Described “Jew” Prime Minister’, ‘Jew York Times Jews Out on Oz’s ‘Stop the Boats’ Policy’, ‘Jews Again: Australian PM Compares ISIS to Nazis, Kikes Go Mental’, ‘Jews Cry “Double Holocaust” After Courtesy Mist Showers Installed at Auschwitz’, ‘Science Un-Racists White Babies in New White Genocide Program’ and ‘White Women Support Self-Genocide via Jew Programming’.

*rolls eyes*

As well as contributing to Daily Stormer, Sykes/Patton was one of X number of neo-Nazis present at Reclaim Australia rallies in Sydney this year. Speaking of which …

• The United Patriots Front (UPF) has declared that it will be forming a political party.



Like UPF leader ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ (Shermon Burgess) and his promise to make a pornographic film to fund his movement, it’s far from certain how seriously the endeavour should be taken, but if it goes ahead then the UPF will be entering a fairly crowded market, one including the (deregistered) neo-fascist Australia First Party, the Q Society’s Australian Liberty Alliance, Nick Folkes’ (unregistered) Party For Freedom (PfF), Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and moar.

See : Far-right group UPF plans to run for Senate and campaign on right to ‘bare arms’, Bianca Hall, The Age, September 11, 2015.

• Speaking of Folkes’ and his Freedom, the PfF have organised an event in Cronulla to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Cronulla riots.


• In general, the far right is not. happy. that Tony Abbott has been junked by the Liberals for Malcolm Turnbull, widely understood to be a ‘communist’ , ‘left-wing’ and (hence) a ‘traitor’ to The Nation.

See : After Abbott: anti-Islam right-wingers confused about who to vote for, Michael Bachelard, The Age, September 15, 2015.


One local neo-Nazi who may be happy at Turnbull’s elevation to Prime Minister is Felicity Sharpe, here pictured with Turnbull at a function earlier this year. Sharpe featured in a blog post I done back in June: Felicity Sharpe, neo-Nazism, United Patriots Front … and (June 22, 2015). I took it down at her request … only to witness her re-appear at the UPF rally in Melbourne on July 18.

• Finally, some news from other islands, in this case Dover in England, where neo-Nazis held a li’l rally against all them foreigners …

Neo-Nazi mob riots at anti-immigration protest, libcom, September 13, 2015 | We Watched Nazis Fight Anti-Fascists in Dover on Saturday, Simon Childs, Vice, September 14, 2015.

Felicity Sharpe, neo-Nazism, United Patriots Front … and


Oh dear.

A new website has sprung up called XYZ. It proclaims that it is ‘Restoring the balance to Australia’s media! Real news. Real issues. Real satire. It’s your XYZ.’


On June 19, XYZ published an interview with Felicity Sharpe on the subject of the May 31 United Patriots Front rally. Felicity doesn’t like ‘commies’ and neither does XYZ, so there’s certainly some common ground there. Unremarked upon, however, is the fact that Mz Sharpe is a neo-Nazi.


From Felicity Sharpe’s Facebook profile:


BONUS Bonehead!

[© 2015 – Wardenclyffe Photography]