
A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 4

The penultimate in our women's interview series: Meena talks about the sexism she has had to deal with in an overwhelmingly male work environment and the links between how a workplace is organised and sexual harassment.

Rosa Luxemburg’s The Russian Revolution - Onorato Damen

To mark the anniversary of Rosa Luxemburg's birth 147 years ago (5 March) we offer this translation of Onorato Damen's introduction to the Italian translation to her famous work on the Russian Revolution.

A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 3

We spoke with our friend Kulbir, a women worker originally from India, who has to survive below the radar.

On the Future International

The following article is intended to be part of a longer document or pamphlet of the Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT) and has been drafted by the CWO for further discussion in the ICT. It should thus be read in the context of earlier documents which we have already published on the party and class issue which put the issue in its wider context.

Anti-Shorten: The ALP is still selling bullshit

A critique of the rehashed social democracy of the Australian Labor Party. Republished from The Word From Struggle Street - an anticapitalist blog from Brisbane

West Virginia school employees sold out?

West Virginia teachers who had taken the initiative to force their union into a strike demanding that the state pay their health insurance found out via a robocall last week that "their" union had accepted a promise of a 5% pay offer (which they did not demand) but with no settlement of their grievance.

A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 2

AngryWorkers would like to share five stories of working women in the sprawling city of London in 2018. They are from a cross-section of people that we have met in our neck of the woods: the western suburban hinterland that is home to many migrants, new and old, who bust their asses at work and at home, who are on the frontlines of austerity and brexit policies, but who all live in relative obscurity.

Everything you ever wanted to know about tankies, but were afraid to ask

Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin

One of the stranger developments of the past five years has been the resurrection of the word tankie. It's time for an explainer.

A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 1

To mark international women’s day...
AngryWorkers would like to share five stories of working women in the sprawling city of London in 2018. They are from a cross-section of people that we have met in our neck of the woods: the western suburban hinterland that is home to many migrants, new and old, who bust their asses at work and at home, who are on the frontlines of austerity and brexit policies, but who all live in relative obscurity.

Is the defense of Afrin proletarian internationalism?

A critique of two articles published by the International Marxist Humanist Organisation by Fredo Corvo.

The post-war strike wave in East, West, and Southern Africa

From the end of the Second World War until the mid-'60s there was a wave of strikes in British East and West Africa, French West Africa, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The history of this class struggle has been neglected by both mainstream historians and most revolutionary tendencies based in Europe and the US.

Pundits outraged as Assad does to Ghouta what the US did to Fallujah

The aftermath of the latest US led assault on Fallujah

As pundits decry war crimes committed by the Assad regime in Eastern Ghouta, a look to how the punditry viewed the US' 2004 assault on Fallujah

Walkaway review

Walkaway Cover

A review of Cory Doctorow's 2017 science fiction novel.

The movement in Iran is a practical refutation of Leninism

A critique of the positions defended by some groups of the communist Left

Autonomism – “Many Flowers Little Fruit”

A response to the comments and criticisms of our article “Autonomism – Cutting the Ground from under Marxism”.

Bakkavor Factory Newsletter - Issue 3

Bakkavor runs four factories and one warehouse in our area, employing around 3,500 permanent and agency workers. This issue deals with the union election, sex pests and dodgy temp agencies.

China: Long Held US Fears Becoming Reality?

The dilemma for the US – and the threat for the world – is that over time China will catch up with the US militarily as well as economically. It’s a long way off. However at some point the US will arrive at the same dilemma which faced the German General Staff in 1914. Their calculation was that by 1916 they would lose what military advantages they had over their imperialist rivals so were facing a pivotal decision and thus gave the green light for support to Austria and Armageddon followed. The current USA-China rivalry will be the axis around which any conflict will take place.

The Syrian conflict is an indictment of the nation-state system: The Assad Regime

Members of the US Peace Council meeting with Assad

As the Syrian conflict drags on, the world watches with horror as all involved countries ruthlessly pursue their own interests at the expense of the Syrian people. This first post will focus on the Assad regime.

Notes on the Freedom Anarchist Newspaper Archive

When Freedom updated its website back in October I took the opportunity to start a side project I've been meaning to do for a while - digitising Freedom's newspaper back catalogue. Herein some notes which are a bit internal-bloggy to put on the news site ...

Living The Dream antipolitically

Latest episode of Living The Dream: a podcast hosted at The Word From Struggle Street an anticapitalist blog from Brisbane