Showing posts with label BULGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BULGE. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Boston OG's

Ten wonderful minutes of old-school hardcore from way back in 1983, the debut 7" from New England stalwarts Psycho sounds a lot more like the poppy punk Ramones then the noisy grindish hardcore they'd eventually degrade to. Perennial vocalist/guitarist Johnny X gives his gravelly voice a rest on this one so one-shot crooner Mick Keddy can fulfill the vocal duties - a rather pleasant change of pace. Straight, no-bones punk from a working-man's band who has consistently been doing it for the past 30 years. Fucking amazing.

Friday, September 20, 2013



While listening to this record, do not
attempt to operate heavy machinery,
use firearms, eat glass, drink Mop N
Glo, tell Ian MacKaye that you think
Poison Idea is "hella funny", consume
brandied fruitcake, taunt a yak, become
obsessed with Buddy Ebsen, get any
sort of tattoo depicting livestock, or get
some idiotic idea about putting together
a 7-inch compilation with 41 bands!

If you are tempted to pursue any of the
aforementioned activities, please
consider an alternative, such as
sending money to this cute guy so he
can put on some clothes (or take them
off if the price is right).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

All Togethah Now

Solid compilation CD released in 2000 by the mighty Fudgeworthy Records out of Woburn, MA; the brainchild of Charlie Infection whom you may know as the other half of the seminal Ax/ction Records and drummer for Bay State mainstays Psycho, Bulge, Gonkulator and Cancerous Growth. Admitting to the loss of all his master tapes in the liner notes, nearly everything on the comp is ripped directly from vinyl so don't expect any hi-tech digital remastering here. Scratches, cracks and pops abound which only add to the charm - there is some rare ass shit showcased here and is without a doubt some of the best transfers you'll find of this material. Included are a few batches of Anal Cunt songs, GG Allin's "Legalize Murder" from his Freaks, Faggots days, Bulge's "Fartmaster," some obscure Meat Shits tunes, fast Boston hardcore, black metal, grindcore, noise, etc. etc. ad nauseum. A bunch of great music from a great label. Enjoy.

Currently watching: The Rite
Currently listening to: KoЯn The Path Of Totality

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tasteless Tunes

Figured I'd finally get off my ass and upload a few more "hits" from Boston scumlords Bulge. First off is their 1993 7" L.O.A.D. (Legions Of Anal Doom, 'natch). Sadly the band's swan song, the slab showcases three sloppy tracks of tardcore including a re-recorded "Ballad Of Ron Jeremy" that true fans will note appeared a few years earlier on the amazing Ax/ction Records Apocalyptic Convulsions comp LP. Turn down the treble and enjoy - I was going to try my hand at mastering it somewhat but couldn't really make it sound any better (or worse) then it was, which is saying a lot. Up next is their (also 1993) Tasteless retrospective cassette. Since the tape features their 1991 LP Penis Rising which is already available here as well as the aforementioned L.O.A.D. 7", I only ripped the "one bonus song," a cheerful 20-second ditty titled "AIDS Hog" which is less of a song then sample and has its origins on on Slap-A-Ham's 1991 compilation Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - The Record. Anyways, hopefully it's the smell of a Bruins' victory in the air tonight that got me going on the Beantown tip but enjoy the sleaze that only Anal Violator and Stinky Ass-Finger can bring ya.

Can't Find A Hole                                                  Gotta Fuck A Roll
Currently watching: The Crazies
Currently listening to: Amorak Amorak

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rock Hard

While digging around the boxes of music in my house for their first album, I stumbled upon Boston toilet rockers Bulge's second release: 1987's Second Cummin' (or The Second Coming depending on which part of the cassette cover you read). Less of a straightforward live gig then their first album, Second Cummin' has Stinky Ass-Finger and the boys recording a set in Brandeis University's legendary WBRS radio station. Still a year away from becoming an infamous footnote in history as one of GG Allin's backup bands; Bulge plays through mostly originals this time - including a painful 15-minute ad lib dirge when bassist Moe Lester vanishes and the equipment goes down. Wotta riot - can you really expect much else from an album that's produced by a guy named Chimpy Tunormal? Just like their other live tape, this one oozes with a banal self-importance and smarmy suck-my-dick attitude. The liner notes thank GG, Chimpy and the Mentors... ending with an "Everyone Else Fuck Off." Cheers boys.

Worthy of mention for Allin fans, Second Cummin' shows that the ol' Public Animal #1 wasn't above blatantly pilfering music from the guys he played with (in case you are a moron, Bulge backed up GG on Freaks, Faggots, Drunks & Junkies). We all know "Outlaw Scumfuc" was poached (heh) from David Allen Coe's "Longhaired Redneck" and that "Dope Money" is basically the Peter Gunn theme over and over but did you know Bulge already had a "Suck My Ass (It Smells)"?  Sure, it's called "Wash Your Crack" but the obvious similarities are laughably apparent. They also play a familiar sounding tune called "Last In Line (Gangbang)"... could it be? Add a few tastier lyrics and Voilà! You got "Anti-Social Masterbator"! But then there's another song called "Last In Line For The Gangbang" on Freaks as well! Aw, fuck it... let's just say Bulge deserves more credit then they'll probably ever get for what many consider Allin's finest album.

Currently watching: The Frighteners
Currently listening to: Cypress Hill III: Temples Of Boom

Monday, October 11, 2010

We Are Bulge!

GG Allin's sleazy Freaks, Faggots, Frunks & Junkies oozed onto my turntable (thank you Princeton Record Exchange!) during my junior year in highschool, featuring not only some of the late Outlaw Scumfuc's greatest tracks but also his most coherent backup band to date - Boston hardcore pioneers Psycho performing as their Mentors-esque alter ego, Bulge. Surprisingly, unlike most of Allin's one-shot-barely-a-band outfits, Bulge was a legit threesome that had been making their own noise around the Boston area for a few years prior. Playing a sloppy, grimy snotcore complete with "err-ah" Kennedy accents to boot, Bulge dropped a few cassette-only albums in the 80's as well as a couple of vinyl platters once they saw GG's popularity began to take off (gotta ride the wave when ya can, no?) Their first release was 1986's Live, In The Raw!, a lo-fi testament to random cover tunes (Ramones, ZZ Top, Mötley Crüe and a few others) and a sadly unenthusiastic crowd. Recorded at the legendary Chet's Last Call in August 1986, the band stays pretty tight through six songs and ya gotta give 'em credit for incessantly trying to get the crowd going. I guess when you open with a 5-minute "We Are Bulge" theme song complete with porno clips in the medley you're trimming your audience base a tad. But who am I to judge, I'm probably one of a hundred people out there who willingly dropped $5 for this snapshot of local Boston hardcore twenty years ago. Who's laughing now?

Currently watching: The Squid And The Whale
Currently listening to: Cephalic Impurity Unique Brute Revival

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dayz Of Wayback

No this isn't a post about N.W.A.'s most disappointing album ever - it's a throwback to the compilation that really got me into the world of 7-inches, Maximum Rock And Roll classifieds, well-concealed cash through the mail and weird looks from my girlfriend (is it wrong to get all excited when Regurgitate's demo cassette arrives via international delivery after 2 months of waiting???). Already somewhat into the Boston hardcore scene and a burgeoning fan of A.C. and Exit-13, I jumped on this release: 20 or so bands mashed a 10" and bonus 7". How cool is that??? Looking back, Apocalyptic Convulsions was my introduction to so many great bands, sounds and styles that to this day molded my musical tastes.... From mincecore to snotty hardcore, this had it all, it makes a good first post and I'm only too happy to share it witcha.