Matt Mullenweg: State of the Word 2017

5 responses on “Matt Mullenweg: State of the Word 2017

  1. nptechdata

    If you are looking for the Gutenberg demonstration by Matías Ventura, it starts around 35:00 minutes into the video

    Liked by 9 people

  2. nptechdata

    Keep up-to-date with Gutenberg and everyone talk/blogging/developing at this Storify

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Slavisa

    This looks great so far! A completely new writing experience, especially the block inserter!


  4. Jose Carlson

    Is there an official timeline for Gutenberg release somewhere? Matt talks about “April 2018” in this speech, but that seems not possible at the moment.


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December 4, 2017

The State of the Word is the annual keynote address at WordCamp US, presented by the co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg. In this year’s address, Matt summarizes the highlights of 2017 — including the 4.8 and 4.9 releases — and previews what we can look forward to in 2018 ( spoiler: it’s Gutenberg 🙂 ).

Presentation Slides »

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WordCamp US 2017 58


Matt Mullenweg 55
Mel Choyce 20
Matías Ventura 4
Weston Ruter 3
Amanda Giles 6


Featured 240
State of the Word 4


English 6225

MP4: Low, Med, High
OGG: Low
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