Parents of twins everywhere give Beyonce a reality check

"Not so easy once they are four."
"Not so easy once they are four." Photo: Twitter @webpholio

It was always going to happen: as soon as we were introduced to Beyonce and Jay Z's twins Rumi and Sir Carter in a stunning photo shoot as only Beyonce can deliver, we knew the copycats would come.

And come they did, in hilarious fashion. We've been treated to a cavalcade of perhaps more realistic images of what life is like as a parent of twins.

Not surprisingly, nobody could quite match the floral bower, glowing skin, flowing fabric, veil and incredible blow wave of Queen Bey herself, but what the images lacked in extravagance, they made up for in inventiveness.

One mum wrapped in a Peppa Pig towel struggled to hold onto her four-year-old twin boys, saying, "Loving the #Beyoncetwins photo, not so easy when they are 4!"

Another shared a photo of herself with her newborn twins all fast asleep and looking exhausted in their hospital bed, with the caption, "Very lovely picture of Beyonce and her twins. Here's mine when twins were about the same age. Think I nailed it! Haha."

Then there was the dad that, once he's been seen, he can never be unseen – clad in fluoro Speedos, a floral shirt and a pink bed sheet, and clutching his twin toddler boys. "Channelling @beyonce Finlay and Murray 1 year," he wrote.


And Constance Hall shared a throwback image of herself breastfeeding her twins on her Facebook page, with the hilarious caption, "Look, I'm not trying to be competitive here…but when it comes to post twin glamour…I already took that trophy Bey."

Not all the copycat photos feature parents looking stressed, some looked equally as blissed out as Beyonce - but in a different way.
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, in which case we can rest assured the world is utterly besotted with Rumi and Sir Carter, and their always incredible mum.