SMH letters | The Sydney Morning Herald


Letters: John Howard forgets Australians who marched against Iraq war

Letters: John Howard forgets Australians who marched against Iraq war

John Howard in his letter to the Herald (March 23) conveniently forgets that we, the Australian public, marched in our hundreds of thousands in every city, to protest that we did not want to go to war before the United Nations inspectors finished their finding on the weapons of mass destruction.


Important for students to STEAM ahead on STEM subjects

Important for students to STEAM ahead on STEM subjects

The minister's argument will be a green light for students to reject STEM disciplines.

NSW authority fails to learn lesson from Canberra bushfire

NSW authority fails to learn lesson from Canberra bushfire

It is obvious that the "paid" hierarchy of the RFS have not learnt a thing from the 2003 Canberra fire.

Sinking feeling over submarines

Sinking feeling over submarines

Sinking feeling

Tathra bushfire highlights the policy follies of our leaders

Tathra bushfire highlights the policy follies of our leaders

Isn't saving lives, houses and property a bit more important than "circuses"?

Interns who pay: shameful companies preying on the young

Interns who pay: shameful companies preying on the young

Shame on the universities for brokering deals to encourage this exploitation.

Sydney's development boom sees over $2b siphoned off into wrong assets

Sydney's development boom sees over $2b siphoned off into wrong assets

It is hardly surprising that voters have expressed opposition to the the stadiums rebuild.

Forget avocadoes: tattoos to blame for housing crisis

Forget avocadoes: tattoos to blame for housing crisis

Old people are often blamed for the spike in housing prices. But what about the trend for tattoes.

Removal of retirement discount rankles

Removal of retirement discount rankles

Too many people have structured their affairs to receive the cash refund.

Fixed train seats another example of Constance incompetence

Fixed train seats another example of Constance incompetence

Andrew Constance has been constant in his mismanagement of Transport for NSW.

Big business will benefit from stadium decision so they should stump up cash

Big business will benefit from stadium decision so they should stump up cash

It is big business that will profit from this stupid stadium idea so I suggest they stump up their own money to fund the plan.