Caught My Eye…

Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government. – James Madison

Welcome to the big show to end the week “Caught My Eye” (CME)!

If you are a first-time visitor, CME is posted right here every Friday morning. This is when I take a look at some of the stories I did not have time to write about during the week. I often throw in a touch of sarcasm to make you smile – or to irritate you just a little – maybe both.

Topics that I am providing commentary about today include the Omnibus Spending bill & Tester, the Republican Senate debate, the Montana ExpoPark grandstands, Biden vs Trump, here comes Bolton, and One More Thing!



Thursday Numbers

The party in power almost always unapologetically engages in deficit spending, while the other party argues passionately against the evils of debt and deficits. – Matt Taibbi

Welcome to “Thursday Numbers!” In case you’re a first-time visitor, this is the weekly column where I take a look at the numbers that are in the news (in descending order) and provide commentary sometimes sprinkled with sarcasm.

This week’s topics include omnibus spending bill, Mega Millions, unemployment, Vladimir Putin, Christians, “Who will President Trump fire next” poll results, Sweet 16, disqualified candidates, Mississippi & Vermont, Benefis Health System, and much more!


The Wednesday Read: Editorials, Zinke, Trump + Putin, & Resignation

Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage. – Amy Jo Martin

Today’s topics are:

  • Editorials, the Gazette & Zinke
  • Trump + Putin
  • Pondera County Sheriff


Tuesday Commentary: Ag Day, Assault, & Opioids

I believe in luck: how else can you explain the success of those you dislike? – Jean Cocteau

Happy first day of spring!

Today’s commentary deals with:

  • National Agriculture Day
  • Zinke Staffer Assaulted
  • The Death Penalty & Love


TWW Poll: Who will President Trump fire next?

Who will President Trump fire next? The choices are:

  • Robert Mueller (Special Counsel)
  • H.R. McMaster (National Security Advisor)
  • Ryan Zinke (Sec. of the Interior)
  • Ben Carson (Sec. of HUD)
  • Betsy DeVos (Sec. of Education)
  • David Shulkin (Sec. of Veterans Affairs)
  • Other

If you do not see the poll, click on “More.”


Published in: on March 19, 2018 at 7:26 am  Comments (1)  
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The Sunday Message

God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator. – Stephen Hawking

As many of you know, physicist Stephen Hawking died recently (Obituary). Hawking claimed to be an atheist and that upset many people. even did a story about it that you can read HERE.

Back in 2010, there were some stories, like this one, Hawking versus God: What Did the Physicist Really Say about the Deity? During an interview on Larry King Live, that is where the quote at the beginning of this column came from.

After his death, there was a whole lot of judgment being thrown around on social media sites.


Published in: on March 18, 2018 at 2:00 am  Comments (1)  
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Caught My Eye…

The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted. – James Madison

Welcome to the big show to end the week “Caught My Eye” (CME)!

If you are a first-time visitor, CME is posted right here every Friday morning. This is when I take a look at some of the stories I did not have time to write about during the week. I often throw in a touch of sarcasm to make you smile – or to irritate you just a little – maybe both.

Topics that I am providing commentary about today include the Big Sky Poll, Steve Bullock, Montana Legislature, Greg Gianforte, Jon Tester, banking bill, Zinke and trophy hunters, arming teachers, Montana Grizzlies, and One More Thing.


Thursday Numbers

I’ve reached an age where my brain has gone from “you probably shouldn’t say that,” to “what the hell, let’s see what happens.” – Unknown

Welcome to “Thursday Numbers!” In case you’re a first-time visitor, this is the weekly column where I take a look at the numbers that are in the news (in descending order) and provide commentary sometimes sprinkled with sarcasm.

This week’s topics include the Powerball, Mega Millions, unemployment, Conor Lamb, gun violence, Montana candidates, National School Walkout, animals on a plane, Lowe’s and NASCAR, accidental discharge, and much more!


The Wednesday Read: PA 18, Edwards, & Gun Laws

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. – Stephen Hawking (RIP)

Today’s topics are:

  • Pennsylvania Congressional District 18
  • Sheriff Bob Edwards
  • Stricter Gun Laws


Tuesday Commentary: Tillerson, House Intel, Hillary, & Tester

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. – Plato

Today’s commentary deals with:

  • Tillerson Fired
  • GOP House Intelligence Report
  • Hillary Clinton Speaks
  • Tester Launches First Ad
