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Planning ahead for medical treatment when we can no longer decide for ourselves
Planning ahead for medical treatment when we can no longer decide for ourselves

 Bill O’Shea 08 Mar 2018

Victorians can now plan ahead for medical treatment to ensure their wishes are followed and their values considered when decisions are made on medical treatment after they lose medical decision-making capacity...

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Spiral of circumstances sends women to prison
Spiral of circumstances sends women to prison

 Karin Derkley 08 Mar 2018

Almost every woman in Victoria’s prisons has a background of poverty, disadvantage and gendered violence, a conference heard this week...

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Dealing with ill and injured workers
Dealing with ill and injured workers

 Andrew Douglas 08 Mar 2018

Safety law throughout Australia imposes duties on employees to take reasonable care to prevent injury to themselves and others, and comply with the lawful and reasonable directions of their employers...

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Lawyers have role in new medical treatment law
Lawyers have role in new medical treatment law

 Law Institute Journal 08 Mar 2018

Changes to medical treatment laws represent an opportunity for practitioners to help their clients plan for the future, says former Law Institute of Victoria president and Elder Law Committee chair Bill O’Shea...

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Member survey for new LIV building
Member survey for new LIV building

 LIV 07 Mar 2018

As the Law Institute of Victoria prepares to sell its 470 Bourke Street building, we are seeking feedback from our members to determine the future accommodation requirements needed in our new home in Melbourne’s legal precinct...

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Mentoring: a key part of your development
Mentoring: a key part of your development

 LIV Young Lawyers 07 Mar 2018

The LIV recognises the important role mentors play in the professional growth and development of lawyers. Since 2009 we have been helping to facilitate many successful and rewarding mentoring relationships for our members...

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Dealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult people

 Angela Burr 06 Mar 2018

It is easy to joke that our job as lawyers would be easy if it weren’t for the people. All jokes aside, difficult people have the potential to make your life a living hell. Here are some strategies you can use next time you encounter a difficult person...

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Follow NT’s lead to raise criminal age
Follow NT’s lead to raise criminal age

 Karin Derkley 06 Mar 2018

State and territory government should stop trapping children in the "quicksand of the criminal justice system" by following the Northern Territory's commitment to raising the age of criminal responsibility...

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Experts judging legal awards
Experts judging legal awards

 Karin Derkley 05 Mar 2018

Judging the Victorian Legal Awards is a great opportunity to get an insight into how other law firms are doing things, says Philippa Stone, partner at Herbert Smith Freehills who is one of a team judging four of the awards this year...

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How to structure your letter of advice
How to structure your letter of advice

 Law Institute of Victoria 05 Mar 2018

Providing clear, accessible and well-reasoned advice to clients is a critical skill for legal practitioners. There is a range of things you need to consider when planning and writing a letter of advice, but structure is key.

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Significant changes to medical treatment laws in Victoria
Significant changes to medical treatment laws in Victoria

 LIV 05 Mar 2018

On 12 March 2018, the Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016  will come into force, simplifying and consolidating  medical treatment laws and provide a legislative framework for advance care planning in Victoria...

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Non-compliant building products: Combustible cladding
Non-compliant building products: Combustible cladding

 Lachlan Ingram 02 Mar 2018

So I keep hearing about ACP, ACM, EPS and combustible cladding. Why is that? Aluminium Composite Panelling (ACP) has been described as the new asbestos...

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Preliminary submission for the 2018/19 Victorian state budget
Preliminary submission for the 2018/19 Victorian state budget

 Law Institute of Victoria 02 Mar 2018

To highlight the key areas across the legal profession that need extra funding, the Law Institute of Victoria has submitted a preliminary Victorian Budget submission in the lead up to the May State budget...

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Understanding the legal landscape for driverless cars
Understanding the legal landscape for driverless cars

 Katie Minogue 01 Mar 2018

Driverless cars. For some this still conjures up images of KITT in Knight Rider (Gen Y – you’ll have to Google it). Like it or not, the future is here...

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LIV Young Lawyers Careers in Law profile: Lucinda Bordignon
LIV Young Lawyers Careers in Law profile: Lucinda Bordignon

 LIV Young Lawyers 01 Mar 2018

Lucinda Bordignon practised as a lawyer before starting a legal research business, Lucinda Bordignon Legal Research Services...

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