This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Hawzhin Azeez
  • TOPICS: The Turkish invasion of Afrin.

The Mind-Benders: How to Harvest Facebook Data, Brainwash Voters, and Swing Elections

In the days and weeks following the 2016 presidential elections, reports surfaced about how a small British political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, might have played a pivotal role in Donald Trump’s surprise victory. The company claimed to have formulated algorithms to influence American voters using individually targeted political advertisements. It reportedly generated personality profiles of More

Deplorables II: The Dismal Dems in Stormy Times

Beneath the endless madness of the Today in Tangerine Satan (TITS) show, aided and abetted by the Radically Regressive and Reactionary Republicans (the R4 Party), it’s easy to forget that the Inauthentic Opposition Party (IOP, also known as the Democratic Party) installed the malignant presidential apprentice in the White House in the first place. More

The Ghost of Hillary

The Ghost of Hillary Clinton still haunts the minds of many Americans. She is paraded around America like a fallen angel. A Washington Post article as recent as March 14th stated: “America Needs Hillary More Than Ever”. The investigation into Russia collusion drags on a year and a half after Donald Trump’s victory. Earlier this month Hillary was still making excuses for why she lost. The latest one: she had two-thirds of the GDP on her side: ““But what the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product. So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward”. Even Hillary is usually more skilled at hiding her class bias. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Slap Heard Around the World

In this Issue: Jeffrey St. Clair on Edward Said, Ahed Tamimi and the new face of Palestinian resistance. The Perils of Bi-Partisanship: Jason Hirthler on how consensus empowers the elites; Stealing Honduras: Laura Carlsen on US-backed coups in Central America. Who Started the Korean War? by Marlon Ettinger; Iran on Four Wheels by Alison Aziz; The McMansions Arrive in LA by Julia Stein; I Used to be a Political Person by Ruth Fowler. PLUS: Mike Whitney on North Korea, Chris Floyd on the crumbling US empire, and Jeff Ballinger on the Nature of Human Nature.

As Yemen Faces World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis, Senate Refuses to End U.S. Support for Saudi War
