It’s Okay to Be White @ The University of Melbourne

On Monday, two men gathered outside the Baillieu Library at the University of Melbourne’s Parkville campus in order to distribute leaflets reading ‘It’s OK to Be White’. They were soon accosted by students and escorted to another part of campus by security (see : “Neo-Nazis” Escorted Off Campus on First Day of 2018, Ashleigh Barraclough and Monique O’Rafferty, Farrago, February 26, 2018). According to a witness:

Yesterday I was outside the library when a person handed me a piece of paper. The A4 leaflet read “it’s okay to be white”. He then demanded to know whether I was white or Jewish!

The guy who handed me that leaflet was not a stranger to me. I’ve seen him and his friend around campus before—sieg heiling when I’m doing left wing stalls, handing out leaflets advertising Adolf Hitler, postering pro-Trump propaganda and threatening people who speak up with “physical force”.

While I’m unsure which of the two men the writer is referring to, it does appear to be the case that one of them, Alex Wojno (pictured above on right wearing sunglasses), is indeed a student at the University.

Alex — who is also known as Aleksander/Alexander Wojno/Wojnowski — travels under the name of ‘Sefir Malthus’ on Facebook, and has many, ah, interesting opinions, inter alia defending White nationalist and aspiring Senator Paul Nehlen from unfair attacks by You-Know-Who:

as well as expressing commonly-held views on refugees:

Oddly enough, Alex was born in South Africa in 1995, and only came to Australia as a child. It would also appear to be the case that Alex completed an undergraduate degree in science before enrolling in medicine at Melbourne.


In other news: the baby nazis of Antipodean Resistance distroed shite on the weekend at various University campuses (La Trobe University’s Bendigo campus, UTAS, and Victoria University’s Footscray campus) and at the offices of Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson in Launceston. Ho hum. More seriously, Atomwaffen, the kissing cousins of Antipodean Resistance in the US, have been killing folks and talking terror. See : Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student, A.C. Thompson, Ali Winston, Jake Hanrahan, ProPublica, February 23, 2018. Finally, Aryan Nations were in court again yesterday (see : Aryan Nations leader accuses associate of murdering man with claw hammer and knuckle dusters, Joanna Menagh, February 27, 2018). Note that the accused killers played host to the ‘United Patriots Front’ when they visited Perth in November 2015 and that their residence was used by Blair Cottrell as the location for the announcement that the UPF would be forming a political party, ‘Fortitude’. (The UPF has since morphed into something called ‘The Lads Society’.)

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2018 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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5 Responses to It’s Okay to Be White @ The University of Melbourne

  1. Kit T. says:

    We have a human right to not give a fuck about persecution & ethnic cleansing i.e genocide???
    What the hell does he think human rights actually are?
    Fabulous reasoning. -_-
    How the fuck’s he gonna get through med school? He doesn’t know how to think. 😛

  2. luce says:

    if anyone wants a laugh there is a raft of shit nazi love poetry by wojno here

  3. Future Doc says:

    This idiot is not enrolled in medicine at Melbourne University. Please do not join him in spreading untruths.

  4. @ndy says:

    Apparently, the Uni has confirmed the ID of the person above; they also confirmed that (despite claiming to be) he’s not enrolled in Medicine but in a different course and is currently on a leave of absence. The matter has been escalated to the Academic Registrar and VicPol; students or staff who witnessed the incident and need someone to speak to/want to give evidence are urged to contact the Uni.

  5. [Alex Wojno] says:

    Cute. I[‘]ve escalated the matter to Victoria Police as well, for malicious, baseless defamation, and you got my message that you are included in my police file @ndy didn[‘]t you? 😉 You have zero evidence, because there IS none. I harassed nobody. [M]eanwhile, your article and the several others published about me are all that I need for the police to shut you down.

    Enjoy! <3

    I love shutting down communists, it is the most satisfying thing ever. Enjoy this blog while it[‘]s still online, kid.

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