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A New National Landscape Agenda

IN THE BAD GUYS OWN WORDS: "The Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 Is Just A Beginning"

New National Landscape Agenda -- See Maps Showing Millions
of Acres Subject To New Regulations and Land Acquisition
Don't Fail To Read This Outrageous Federal Takeover Plan

The Threat
What Are They?
Histories & Jurisdictions
The Biology
The Pushers
The Politics
The Real Goals
Unintended Consequences
What Must Be Done
Legislative Update
Means to an End

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PO Box 400, Battle Ground, WA 98604.  (360) 687-3087

Alaska Land Issues  BLM NCLS   Rim of the Valley  2010 Clean Water Act -Wetlands   Ghost Town Act 
Obama Nat Resources Plan

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Oregon Ranchers Hammonds Sent to Prison, Report to prison peacefully:  Important Washington Post Article about Oregon standoff


BLM Vendetta: Hammonds Headed For Jail On Criminal Charges Filed By BLM on Normally Minor Fire Issues  Latest ALRA Email  More Background Here

Rim of the Valley Land Grab

Joe Edmiston Becomes The Power Broker
replacing Robert Moses
  ---  Plans giant Rim of the Valley National Park near Los Angeles
An un-elected autocrat, Joe Edmiston has terrorized private property owners for three decades with no countervailing political checks and balances of any
Click here
to read our email alert - Take action!  

Rim of the Valley Land Grab Moves A Huge New National Park Area

A huge New National Park Area likely will be created
National Park Service Study in final stage
Click here: Latest E-mail
Land grab history:  More
Angeles and San Bernardino National Forest likely to be taken over by the Park Service

169,000 landowners within acquisition area.

Rim of Valley Maps

Obama's Massive Land Grab In LA Mountains
New San Gabriel Mountains National Monument

Click here for our latest email

Click here for NPS Expansion Area Map

Senator Coburn's Report on the National Park Service:  Press here

Click Here for CARA Data

Congress being pressured to expand land acquisition funding, extending the LWCF (Land and Water Conservation Fund)
Click Here for latest alert
Call your senator and congressman right away

New North Country Trail threatens landowners:  Press here to learn more
See latest e-mail: Press here

Obama Attempts Alaska Land Grab Breaking All US Promises to the State's Citizens - click here

Wall Street Journal: Obama’s Trans-Alaska Oil Assault -- He’s slowly starving the current pipeline so it will have to shut down

EPA Corps of Engineers Wetlands Jurisdiction

Developments:  Rep. Gosar Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Protect U.S. Waters from Federal Overreach   
Click here for our email on EPA Corps Wetlands Land Grab

"National Blueways"
The first of many across the country

27,000 sq miles, 18 million acres.
 White River Watershed, an area that crosses 60 counties in Arkansas and Missouri, and is larger than DC, RI, DE, CT, NJ, and NH combined. 

Click here to read the Blueways System White River Watershed Plan (24MB pdf file)
Click here to read the House Resources Committee Letter to Interior Secretary Jewell regarding "National Blueways"

Private Property Assault
New Obama Wildlands Program  New Obama Blueways Program
Click here for our latest email  

Forbidden Books in The NPS
Click here to read the National Parks Traveler article

Sally Jewell new Secretary of Interior
Click here for our latest email

Stop EPA,Corps From Removing “Navigable” From Clean Water Act
Click here for our latest email

Stop Senate Omnibus Federal Lands Bill
Click here for latest email

Huge Obama Land and Water Jurisdiction Grab

Click here to read our latest email
Click here to read the report from the
International Joint Commission






Range Magazine: Hage Forage Right Trial Ends With BLM and U.S. Forest Service Employees Found in Contempt 
Read the press releases:  
 Range Magazine  Ramona Hage Morrison (photos)

Government’s Shocking Interference in Rancher’s Life The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

May 23, 2012 - Henry Lamb, Rest In Peace 

FDIC Lennar Congressional Oversight Hearing: YouTube

May 16, 2012 FDIC Lennar Oversight Hearing Testimony by American Land Rights

Here is testimony that when taken together are an extremely well written indictment of Lennar, Rialto and the FDIC.  It will help you understand the reasons why the FDIC structured partnership process must be brought to a halt and the nationwide attack on personal assets by FDIC and Rialto must be stopped.

Click here for testimony from Todd Chrisley (pdf)
This is the second of two testimonies regarding Lennar, Rialto and FDIC. Taken together with the testimony from American Land Rights the two documents give an outstanding overview into the nationwide Bank Closure and Foreclosure victim process by FDIC.


Massive LWCF Land Acquisition Funding Passes Senate

Urgent Action Required:  April 26, 2012 
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Goes To House-Senate Conference Committee as part of the massive Highway Bill.

Huge increase in land acquisition funding must be stopped. 
Here are the phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of all the Conferees staff members. 

Download this e-mail and forward to all your friends. 

Willing Seller, A Myth

Other background: e-mail, full Amendment and list of votes

Senate transportation bill funds more federal government land grabs - by Rebekah Rast 

Private Rights Protection Act Of 2012 (HR 1433)

FDIC, Lennar, Rialto 
Wall Street Deals Killing Jobs And Undermining Recovery

Lennar Denied Membership In Builders Association
read The Oregonian article here  

Herrera Beutler Continues Push for Answers on Bank of Clark County Fallout, Rialto
Jaime asks financial oversight committee to examine FDIC loan sales to Rialto

Click here to read the press release

The Columbian Newspaper: Herrera Beutler seeks hearing on FDIC's loan sales 
Loans were from failed financial institutions, including Bank of Clark County

Click here to read the article 

January 16th, Columbian Newspaper Front Page Story About Chuck Cushman And FDIC Lennar, Rialto and Multibank Corps Bank Closure Victims.  
Click here to see entire article. html pdf

Read Attorney Bryan Knight's Lennar Realty Analysis of Bad Incentives (FDIC Lennar Rialto Bank Closure Victim Deal)
Click here to read the latest Press Release
Click here
to read 9/7/2011 Press Release  
Click here to read ALRA Congressional Testimony
Read these Victim Statements Part 1 and Part 2

Obama FDIC Bank Closure Policies and FDIC Authorized Aggressive Tactics By FDIC Wall Street hedge fund partners (such as Lennar Corporation, Rialto, Multibank and other similar companies) are destroying jobs, small businesses, and communities plus holding back economic recovery and job creation

FDIC and Lennar Bank Closure and Foreclosure Victims Nationwide Lost Jobs and Land Grab Scandal
Read our recent email alerts
 email Part1  email Part 2
Read more at www.reactioncommittee.com
and www.Netrightdaily.com

New EPA - Corps Wetlands Regulations Expand Power and Threaten Your Land! 

Call Congress To Cut Funds For EPA Corps Wetlands Regulations

Key Senate Clean Water Act Wetlands Vote Expected Shortly:  Details

Click here to read our latest email 
For the latest E-mail and instructions as well as the EPA address to e-mail or send printed Comment Questionnaires: Click here FIRST and then here SECOND.  These e-mails have an unformatted sample comment questionnaire for you if you want to to easily E-MAIL your comments to EPA.
Alternatively, if you want to print off, fill out and MAIL your comments instead, here are two slightly different formatted sample comment questionnaires. Use only one of: #11 or #12 The only difference is a few of the statements at the bottom. To get the address to mail these formatted versions, be sure to read the latest e-mail above.

Click Here for CARA Data

Vast Expansion of Corps of Engineers and EPA Regulatory Power!

We call this bill the Corps of Engineers and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill

Here are the BEFORE and AFTER regulatory control maps if HR5088/S787 pass:

It's a national takeover:  Click on the map above!

The Oberstar "White Paper"
Executive Summary  Complete Document

Obama’s America's Great Outdoors Initiative

Here is the Obama Administration planning process for new National Monuments and millions of acres of Federal lands and the eminent domain of private lands.

Administration holding "listening sessions" across America

You get to vote and make comments on their website so don’t miss out. 

Click Here for latest e-mails and instructions.

Park Service History with landowners and KELO-Type Condemnation: Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA HR-701)
More of same in YOUR future:

Read Summary of National Parks and Conservation Association 8 Vol. Big Park National Park Plan proposed by Destry Jarvis, brother of new National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis.
Thousands Threatened!

Ghost Town Act of 2009
(HR 699)

Read our Email Alert: General Mining Law House Vote Alert

Clinton, Gore, Babbitt Gang Taking Over Natural Resources: 

Written for him by environmental groups
Click here for complete copy
They want a return to the bad old days of Bill Clinton and Bruce Babbitt's War on the West
More Info:  ALRA ALERT #1


Huge BLM NCLS Land Grab 
Babbitt National Conservation Lands System (NCLS) means a National Park Type Overlay Over 33 Million Acres off BLM Land to hurt multiple-use and private property!


2009 Omnibus Federal Lands Bill 
One of the largest land grabs in history. Includes over 150 different bills.

NLCS Background Information HR5151  
More Background Information HR5151  
Omnibus Bill Sponsor and Bill List  

Download Nature Trail Testimony
Ken Burns PBS series wants this to happen:
Click Here for CARA Data

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Send mail to alra@pacifier.com with questions or comments about this web site. All pages on this website are ©1999-2006, American Land Rights Association. Permission is granted to use any and all information herein, as long as credit is given to ALRA. Email ALRA's webmaster or write to ALRA, PO Box 400, Battle Ground, WA 98604.  (360) 687-3087.  Physical location: 30218 N.E. 82nd Ave.