
Students strike, farmers march, and women rise: This week in India’s social movements

You don’t need me to tell you that these are dark times. From Mississippi’s recent (and definitely unconstitutional) banning of abortion at 15 weeks, to Trump’s revolving-door series of government appointments which are now slated to include a known torturer, the news is bleak. And it’s not only in the U.S.: Authoritarian right-wing governments are on the up worldwide. Including in my current home, India, where the right-wing BJP has been in power since 2014.


Abortion Coverage Restriction Threatens Obamacare Funding

Republican Congress members are attempting to restrict abortion access by introducing language in a federal bill that would block funding to private insurance companies if they provide abortion coverage. 

Republican Congress members are attempting to restrict abortion access by introducing language in a federal bill that would block funding to private insurance companies if they provide abortion coverage. 

harris feinstein

Supporting Torture and Deportation Isn’t Feminist

Last week, in response to a growing argument by the left that ICE should be defunded and abolished, in the wake of its persistent and systemic human rights abuse, Democrat senator Kamala Harris stepped up to the plate to defend the agency’s existence. Meanwhile, her counterpart, Dianne Feinstein, was busy defending another institution responsible for flagrant human rights abuse: the C.I.A., and specifically, its new director, Gina Haspel, who she described as “a good deputy director.”

Last week, in response to a growing argument by the left that ICE should be defunded and abolished, in the wake of its persistent and systemic human rights abuse, Democrat senator Kamala Harris stepped up ...


Victory for West Virginia Teachers: Six Key Takeaways

Editor’s note: This post was co-authored by Sejal Singh and Meg Sri.

West Virginia teachers came to win! After a massive nine-day teacher-strike which closed schools across every county in West Virginia, teachers this week secured a five percent raise and a hold on skyrocketing healthcare costs. Now, the West Virginia teachers are inspiring working women across the country — and proving that progressive organizing and collective action, not milquetoast centrism or reactionary racism, is the way to win in so-called Trump Country.

Editor’s note: This post was co-authored by Sejal Singh and Meg Sri.

West Virginia teachers came to win! After a massive nine-day teacher-strike which closed schools across every county in West Virginia, teachers this week Read More


This bill would take citizenship away from immigrants who aren’t “moral” enough

The ‘‘Protecting Our Communities from Gang Violence Act of 2018’’ Act, introduced in the House of Representatives last month by Republican Lee Zeldin of New York, would allow the U.S. government to revoke the citizenship status of naturalized immigrants who have been or are affiliated or associated with a criminal gang. 

The ‘‘Protecting Our Communities from Gang Violence Act of 2018’’ Act, introduced in the House of Representatives last month by Republican Lee Zeldin of New York, would allow the U.S. government to revoke the citizenship status of naturalized ...


Is #metoo a moral panic? Not if we’re clear about our values.

Last month, in response to a profile of pornography literacy programs, conservative New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote an op-ed entitled “Let’s Ban Porn.” In it, Douthat argued that banning porn was not just feminist but also the logical conclusion of the #metoo movement’s quest for better sex. After all, Douthat argues, “It was only a generation ago that the unlikely (or was it?) alliance of feminists and religious conservatives made the regulation of pornography a live political debate.”

Last month, in response to a profile of pornography literacy programs, conservative New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote an op-ed entitled “Let’s Ban Porn.” ...


The Feministing Five: Black Lives Matter Co-founder Patrisse Cullors

Patrisse Cullors is a queer artist, activist, freedom-fighter, and Black Lives Matter co-founder. Originally from Los Angeles, Patrisse is an NAACP History Maker and has received numerous awards for her activism and movement building, including being named a Civil Rights Leader for the 2st Century by the Los Angeles Times

Patrisse Cullors is a queer artist, activist, freedom-fighter, and Black Lives Matter co-founder. Originally from Los Angeles, Patrisse is an NAACP History Maker and has received numerous awards for her activism and ...

The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick

“Listen to women. Trust us when we say we’re sick.”

Long-time Feministing readers might have noticed that my byline hasn’t been on the site as much in the last couple years. That’s because I’ve been at work writing my first book, Doing Harm, about how sexism in medicine is harming women, which is out today. 

Long-time Feministing readers might have noticed that my byline hasn’t been on the site as much in the last couple years. That’s because I’ve been at work writing my first book, Doing Harm, about ...

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