Big benefits from reducing peak energy use

Press Release – EECA

Reducing electricity demand at peak times is again shown to be a key opportunity for New Zealand to limit the need for more electricity infrastructure spending, and reduce emissions. Read more »

CPP is a slap in the face

Press Release – Grey Power New Zealand

The decision by the Commerce Commission to approve the application by PowerCo for a Customised Price Path (CPP) is no surprise, but is a slap in the face for the ordinary customer. Read more »

Improvements to the rules for Transpower’s investment

Press Release – Commerce Commission

The Commerce Commission has today released its final decision on its review of the rules relating to Transpowers investment in the national grid. Read more »

Retail Price Inquiry underpinned by fake economics

Press Release – Molly Melhuish

Fake economics is set to underpin Governments Retail Price Inquiry. It will be carried out by Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and its lead consultant is Concept Consulting. Read more »

Minister needs to be clear on permit process

Press Release – New Zealand National Party

Minister for Energy and Resources Megan Woods needs to send a clear signal that those companies who have existing exploration permits, and who meet New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals current criteria, will be able to progress through the permitting regime … Read more »

Govt toughens electricity review final terms of reference

Article – BusinessDesk

March 27 (BusinessDesk) – The final terms of reference for the government’s inquiry into the electricity sector goes further than draft proposals to include examining whether power companies can make “excessive profits” and “whether … Read more »

Vector Welcomes Review of Electricity Prices

Press Release – Vector

Vector Welcomes the Terms of Reference for the Government Review of Electricity Prices Vector has welcomed the Governments announcement of the final terms of reference for its review of electricity pricing, saying it is nearly a decade since … Read more »

Oil and gas sector jittery

Article – BusinessDesk

March 27 (BusinessDesk) – While New Zealand’s government said a transition away from fossil fuels will take several decades, concern about the immediate future is running high in the sector given investment already sunk into exploration. Read more »

Details of retail power price review released

Press Release – New Zealand Government

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has today released the terms of reference for review into the price of electricity in New Zealand. Read more »

NZ govt planning ‘long transition’ away from fossil fuels

Article – BusinessDesk

March 27 (BusinessDesk) – New Zealand’s government expects moving away from using fossil fuels will take several decades so the economy and affected industries have time to adjust, the Minister of Energy, Megan Woods, told the country’s main annual … Read more »

Unions ready to start just transition to low carbon economy

Press Release – New Zealand Council of Trade Unions

The Council of Trade Unions Secretary Sam Huggard welcomed the announcement today of Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods that the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) would be facilitating a tripartite approach with workers, business … Read more »

Hon Megan Woods: Speech to the Petroleum Conference

Speech – New Zealand Government

PEPANZ, for organising the annual New Zealand Petroleum Conference; New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals, as the Foundation Partner; GNS Science, as the Technical Partner. Elemental Group and New Zealand Oil & Gas as Premier Partners; and all of the other sponsors … Read more »

New Carbon And Energy Management Programme

Press Release – Energy Management Association

Three years after creating an advanced level energy management training course for practising energy and sustainability professionals, the Energy Management Association of NZ (EMANZ) has announced a major upgrade to include carbon reduction strategies. Read more »

Moving on From Oil And Gas

Press Release – Frack Free Aotearoa

What is a sacrifice community? Why is a fresh water ecologist speaking at a community information day on oil and gas? Read more »

Taranaki People Headed for Petroleum Conference Blockade

Press Release – Climate Justice Taranaki

“Taranaki people, residents and whnau with concerns for our global climate are travelling to Wellington next week to participate in the Rally for Climate Justice and the blockade of the annual Petroleum Conference” says Urs Signer, member … Read more »

Dear Jacinda: We Haven’t Got Any More Time

Opinion – Valerie Morse

On Monday, the Prime Minister accepted a petition calling for the end to oil and gas exploration signed by 45,000 people. In response to this, the Prime Minister asked for a bit more time to make a decision about the future of oil and gas. … Read more »

Vector Lights energy system and public artwork unveiled

Press Release – Vector

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has officially opened the Vector Lights energy system, saying the solar powered light display points the way to a 100% renewable energy future. Read more »

Speech: Shaw – On low emissions economy

Speech – New Zealand Government

4 March 2018 Downstream Energy sector speech on low emissions economy Hon James Shaw Climate Change DOWNSTREAM 14 March Sky City Convention Centre Akld Kia ora koutou, ata marie Nga mihi nui ki a koutou Read more »

Woods says low income people shouldn’t subsidise solar power

Article – BusinessDesk

March 13 (BusinessDesk) – Energy Minister Megan Woods has told a major electricity industry conference the government is watching to make sure low-income consumers don’t end up facing higher electricity costs caused by wealthier people installing … Read more »

SEANZ joins call to end oil and gas exploration

Press Release – SEANZ

Today SEANZ has joined a long list of business leaders, iwi leaders, scientists, environmentalists, actors, musicians, health professionals and others in pledging our support for the New Zealand Government to end oil and gas exploration now, as … Read more »

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