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ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/wholesomememes
Herbalrich 23 points

I'm guessing this is in USA? Home of unnecessary and unproven medical procedures...

Plagiocephaly typically resolves on its own causing no ill effects. Wearing these helmets can cause skin irritation and have little proven long term benefits.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 16 points

Well you can always rely on good ol' NHS to give you the right advice....

Edit:- Before my inbox blows up with all these responses, my comment above was my pathetic attempt at humour because it was contradicting it's true purpose. The NHS website rightly states and the view held by majority of the clinicians (including me) which is that these helmets don't work, now please forgive me for my poor attempt at trying to be funny and stop trying to correct me, thank you!

sharklops -2 points

Not sure what your point is; the NHS website supports what the person you're responding to said...

ITSTHEDEVIL092 4 points

I was agreeing with the person and providing some form of evidence to support their comment by using the NHS website, but my comment was my pathetic attempt at humour because it was contradicting it's true purpose?

ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/AskReddit
AatroxIsBae 2,091 points

yeah as much as we shit on them they're nice to have, especially for businesses that are just starting out

ITSTHEDEVIL092 2 points

So my question is, how is net neutrality any different from the postal service? It’s Morden day version of that same concept?

ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/worldnews
ITSTHEDEVIL092 1 point

I know this is going to get down voted to oblivion (and please feel free to provide evidence to disprove) but I couldn't find a single instance when Asian Football Federation has asked teams to observe the minute of silence for terrorist attacks which happened in Saudi Arabia or any other asian country. We can't pick and chose which terrorist attacks matter and should be highlighted.

Ps. not condoning what the SA players did as right but trying to provide some context in which the rest of the world sees the whole scenario.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/AskReddit
DrJoyas 156 points

Has this treatment made the front page? I don't know. I don't know if they have even released any of the data. But all large clinical trials like this should have a data and safety monitoring program. At some point it became unethical to continue with a placebo group when the preliminary data showed it to be effective to a certain degree. This does not mean the great majority of people are cured though. But her dad is still going strong with no growth of his tumor!

ITSTHEDEVIL092 12 points
ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/dataisbeautiful
AWildPlotAppeared 1 point

Check out the Wikidata page of Albrecht Durer: It has "mathematician" in the "occupation" property.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 3 points

Painter 1 Reference, Mathematician 0 Reference, seems legit! /s

ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/pics
Djesus_unchained 2 points

It's not pretty accurate. The source just said 6%. And that doesn't even include members of Islam committing non-terrorist but criminal acts.

"99.999999999%" is not accurate; especially when the source just said the actual percentage.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 3 points

"American Muslims have killed less than 0.0002 percent of those murdered in the USA during this period" - I won't even explain this one further.

"Based on our review of the approximately 2,400 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil contained within the START database, we determined that approximately 60 were carried out by Muslims" - 60 (or for sake of argument lets say 100 muslims) out of 3.3 million, wanna guess what that % is?

0.00003% of the muslim population so yeah 99.9999% of muslims are not out killing ppl in terrorist attacks or committing murders.

(LPT: learn to read the full article before jumping to conclusions based on the first line!)

Djesus_unchained 1 point

You are using two different stats to back up a false argument. 60 terrorist attacks; that does not include regular murders.

Also, that first source was a joke. Why it only included stats up to 2012, you know before San Bernardino and Pulse and a slew of other examples, is beyond me.

I was responding that OPs percentage was wrong; which you still confirmed was true.

LPT: there is a major difference between 99.9999 and 99.9999999999. Any science class could tell you that.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 0 points

Lmao...I am done here. You're just as bad as the religious fundamentalists who won't believe anything except their own point of view to cause harm to the rest of us!

LPT: When someone says "pretty accurate" they mean almost or close to, this also includes a few decimals places!

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ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/pics
ITSTHEDEVIL092 2 points open source database which can be edited by anyone with an internet connection at any time without any peer review or scrutiny is reliable?

(LPT: Do better than just the wikipedia, otherwise fake news and alternative facts become real!)

DisproveRainbowDash 4 points

or scrutiny

Wikipedia faces constant scrutiny. Have you ever even edited Wikipedia before? Page moderators are fiercely protective of their pages. I can say with confidence that Wikipedia is most likely even more reliable when it comes to the fact that Encyclopedia Brittanica. as the matter of fact, there was a study done in 2005 comparing the number of errors per 100 words of both EB and wikipedia, and it was found that wikipedia actually contained less errors per 100 words then EB. that was back in 2005. Now wikipedia is probably even more accurate.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 -1 points

Okay, depends what point of view you're looking at it from. But this argument is getting us away from our real feud: You were going to use your "reliable wikipedia" to show us all how majority of the terrorist are muslims, we all are waiting to know....

(LPT: Encyclopaedia are a database of information usually containing list of data sets without any analysis to prove or disprove any hypothesis, real life scientist perform that job by analysing data sets to accept or reject a hypothesis!)

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ITSTHEDEVIL092 commented on a post in r/news
Hank-the-Pigeon 4 points

Depends on if that Muslim was inspired by a group vowing the political overtaking/destruction of the western world.

If this murderer was inspired/motivated by a white supremicist/ far right wing organization thenI agree it's terrorism.

ITSTHEDEVIL092 3 points
Hank-the-Pigeon 4 points

Sure this seems like it could be a case of right wing terrorism. I'm just stating what terrorism is.

Was it terrorism when I was robbed in January at gun point?

Is it terrorism if people get into a fist fight at a bar?

What if racial slurs are used in the fight?


ITSTHEDEVIL092 1 point

I won't get into argument over what's terrorism and what's not. I think the definition is pretty clear.

With regards to a bar fist fight or racial slurs, well...Man charged with killing Indian said to have shouted 'go back to your country'

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ITSTHEDEVIL092 1 point

These two men who stood up for what's right and just, deserve respect and honour befitting a hero because that's exactly how they acted. They stood up against hate and protected two young girls, irrespective of their colour, ethnicity or religion.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with the family, the loved ones and friends of these brave American heroes!

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