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End of life Choice Bill a significant piece of work

End of life Choice Bill a significant piece of work for the Justice Committee

The Justice Committee is looking forward to hearing from submitters on the End of Life Choice Bill says Chairperson, Raymond Huo.

“As of today, committee staff have processed 30,411 submissions with several thousand more yet to be scanned into the committee’s records. This is already the highest number of submissions a select committee has received in recent Parliamentary history.

“As committee Chairperson, I am determined to present the committee as balanced, even handed and open-minded as we prepare to hear from the many thousands of New Zealanders who have taken the time to share their views on this complicated and contentious bill”.

“I am delighted to welcome the Hon Maggie Barry to the committee and I congratulate her on her appointment as the Deputy Chairperson of the committee.

“I especially value the insights and perspectives that she will bring to the committee’s consideration of the End of Life Choice Bill.

The committee will provide details on the final numbers of submissions once processing is complete.


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