Video Ninjas


March 19 “Burnaby Mountain, British Columbia, Canada” People blocked tree cutting equipment, slated to clear the way for Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, that would bring oil from Alberta’s tar sands to the port of Vancouver. These actions were done by autonomous individuals unaffiliated with environmental ngo’s, currently engaged in a week of symbolic… Read more »

Year 2018 Length 1 MIN

Defend Berlin Wedding

A crew of anti-capitalists in Berlin were tired of yuppies turning their working class neighborhood of Wedding into some bougie “revitalized” area. So they set out in the night to let these fuckers know what’s up: housing is not a commodity!

Year 2018 Length 1 MIN

Call to Action: Justice for Colten & Tina

Thousands of people are taking action after “Canada’s” criminal justice system acquitted two men of second degree murder charges in the separate cases of two Indigenous youth – Colten Bushie and Tina Fontaine. This has so far included the establishment of Soaring Eagle camps in Winnipeg/Treaty 1 territory and Calgary/Treaty 7 Territory. More actions are… Read more »

Year Length

Treaty Camp Update

Mi’kmaqs have been blocking a fracked gas storage project by Alton Gas that would pollute the Shubenacadie river.

Year 2018 Length 1 MIN

KM Shutdown

Two-spirited indigenous water-protectors shut down the Kinder Morgan drilling site.

Year 2018 Length 1 MIN

Russian State Cracksdown on Anarchists

The Russian state initiated a violent crackdown on anti-fascist and anarchist activists. Activists in Russia have called for an international week of solidarity from February 5-12.

Year 2018 Length 1 MIN