Harris Media Designer Ariel Gherman Tied to Alt-Right White Supremacists

Via Screwston Antifascist Committee

Summary: Ariel Michelle Gherman is a 24-year-old white supremacist living in Austin, Texas. In August 2017 she participated in the white supremacist “Unite the Right” demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia, where fellow white supremacist James Fields murdered anti-racist protester Heather Heyer. She also helped organize logistics for the group of Texas fascists and white supremacists who traveled to the “Unite the Right” demonstrations, and is connected to numerous Texas neo-Nazis and white supremacist organizations on social media. She works at a mainstream conservative graphic design and media strategy firm in Austin called Harris Media LLC.

Ariel Michelle Gherman (aka “Ariel Sherman”)



In August 2017, a group of fascists and white supremacists from Texas organized a caravan of vehicles to travel to the white supremacist “Unite the Right” (UtR) demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia. According to inside information, one van picked up people in Austin and Houston, then met two other vehicles from north Texas in Texarkana. The group included notorious Texas neo-Nazis like William Fears (subsequently arrested in October for involvement in a shooting outside a Richard Spencer eventin Gainesville, Florida), “Azzmador” (Robert Warren Ray, a contributor to the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer), and Thomas Rousseau (founder and leader of the white supremacist group “Patriot Front”).

The Texas group also included Ariel Gherman. She had RSVP’d as “Going” on the UtR Facebook event page several months prior along with other Texas fascists like Colton Fears (arrested with his brother William in Florida) and Ken Reed. Upon arriving in Charlottesville, they planned to stay at an AirBnb which had been rented under Ariel’s AirBnb account and with Ariel’s credit card. They over-stuffed the AirBnb house with Texas white supremacists, but wanted to be careful not to draw unnecessary attention and reminded each other to only perform Nazi salutes inside the house, not outside. After all, they were planning to bring a variety of weapons including poles, torches, pepper spray, and concealed handguns.

Once in Charlottesville, Ariel participated in Friday night’s torch-lit march on the University of Virginia campus. In videos of the event she is seen wearing a white dress that went down to just above her knees, a denim jacket, and white shoes. Her very long dirty-blonde hair was worn in a single braid down her back, and her brown and gold glasses frames are readily apparent. She can be seen carrying a torch for the duration of the march while participants chanted neo-Nazi slogans like “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and soil.” She is also often walking next to and sometimes holding hands with a young man dressed in khakis and a white polo shirt—the uniform of the neo-Nazi group Vanguard America. When the torch march arrived at a Thomas Jefferson statute, the march surrounded a small group of anti-racist counter protesters. The white supremacists then assaulted the anti-racist counter protesters. Ariel was there for all of it.

The UtR weekend culminated the next day when white supremacists James Fields, also seen wearing the white and khaki uniform of Vanguard America, drove his Dodge Charger into a crow of anti-racist counter-protesters, injuring 19 and killing Heather Heyer.

In an attempt to avoid surveillance and detection, Ariel, like many of the neo-Nazi participants in the UtR demonstrations, deactivated her Facebook account several days before the rally and didn’t reactivate it for several weeks afterwards. In videos of the event, she is seen trying to hide her face from the cameras. But our memory is long and our resolve is steadfast. Avoiding the limelight and promoting white supremacy and fascism only from the background shadows will not protect you. We don’t forget and we don’t forgive.

Far from being a passive or unsuspecting attendee, Ariel was fully aware of the fascist and white supremacist nature of the rally, as well as the plans for violence.  By using her credit card to book the AirBnb, traveling to Charlottesville in the Texas caravan, and walking in the torch march, Ariel intended to facilitate UtR’s white supremacist agenda, violence, and racist terror.


Harris Media LLC

When not helping facilitate racist terror around the country, Ariel works a day job as a graphic designer for Harris Media LLC, a digital media firm in Austin that brags about placing tens of millions of dollars in digital advertising content. But Harris Media doesn’t create media for just anyone, they focus their effort on conservative and right-wing clients. They boast about creating content for the electoral campaigns of candidates like Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mitch McConnell, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as right-wing advocacy groups like Secure America Now (anti-Iran nuclear deal) and Texans for Natural Gas (pro-fracking).

Harris Media has featured Ariel on their social media as their firm’s “biggest Trump supporter,” but they should probably change it to say “most active alt-right white supremacist.” It’s one more example of mainstream right-wing politics creating fertile political territory for insurgent white supremacy. We are really curious how Harris Media’s current and past clients feel about their digital media being created by a firm that hires violent white supremacists!


Ariel grew up with almost every advantage in an upper-middle class suburban neighborhood west of Houston. She went to Texas State University in San Marcos and doesn’t seem to have suffered much setback from her arrest for marijuana possession while in college. Her parents are both college educated professionals in the medical field, but are also Trump supporters and may or may not be surprised or disappointed in their daughter’s neo-Nazi activities. What’s the saying about apples falling from trees?

Facebook Associations

With all this information, it’s unsurprising that Ariel is connected to numerous white supremacists and neo-Nazis on social media, where she sometimes uses the alias “Ariel Sherman.” Whether she’s liking William Fears’ posts about being a neo-Nazi and trying to defend confederate monuments in Dallas or having neo-Nazi Ken Reed liking her profile picture, she is deeply intertwined in the Texas white supremacist movement.

Snapshots of her facebook “Likes” from the summer show her evolution from right-wing libertarian—groups like “Students for Liberty,” “The CATO Institute,” and “Charles Koch Institute”—to alt-right white supremacist—groups like “Identity Europa,” “Traditionalist Workers Party,” and “AltRight.com.”


We imagine this information will invite the usual stammering defenses from Ariel and her less Nazi-inclined friends—that she has “friends” and coworkers who are people of color; that it was all a “joke” or a “misunderstanding;” that she was misled. But the evidence refutes that. The people Ariel is associating and politically organizing with—people like William Fears, Ken Reed, Azzamador, Thomas Rousseau, Syndey Crabtree, Chef Goyardee—make no secret of their vision of creating a whites-only ethno-state and the genocide they fully intend to carry out against everyone else.

It’s the background people like Ariel who lend cover and a veil of legitimacy to this violent racist project—whether using their “good” names and professional salaries to rent houses for racist mobilizations or just dressing neo-Nazism up as regular “mainstream conservativism.”

So happy birthday Ariel. We hope you get fired. We hope your friends don’t like you anymore. We hope everyone who ever googles your name again knows what fucking racist Nazi scum you are.

Source videos for torch march screenshots:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWQLbzxAcFQ (06:00-07:45)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=098QwsPVHrM (03:16)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwkLqyKpVuQ (41:50 & 43:25)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYzLdKWyXDw (00:19 & 00:43-00:48)

Oppose the Nazi Rally in Newnan, GA, April 21!

via Atlanta Antifascists

The National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization, is having its national meeting in Georgia on April 20-21. While most of the meeting will be in Temple, Georgia (almost certainly at Patrick Lanzo’s Georgia Peach Oyster Bar), the Nazis are also having a public rally in Newnan, Georgia on the afternoon of Saturday, April 21. (Newnan is part of the Metro Atlanta area and is approximately 45 minutes southwest from Atlanta.) The Nazis are expecting 50-100 people to attend their rally at the Greenville Street Park in Newnan.

no nazis in newnanNeo-Nazis often believe that smaller cities (such as Newnan) will be more receptive to their racist message, and that they can come in and recruit. Let’s show the Nazis that they’re wrong and that they are not welcome!

Gather in downtown Newnan, 2PM, April 21st. Follow Atlanta Antifascists’ social media and the #nonazinewnan hashtag for updates.

Please spread the word! Print and distribute posters (download here) and half-sheet flyers (download here)!

Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/210807106182953/

If your organization wishes to endorse this mobilization, get in contact and we will add you to the list of endorsers.

Protest endorsers:

  • Atlanta Antifascists
  • Atlanta General Defense Committee
  • Atlanta Industrial Workers of the World
  • Northeast Georgia Democratic Socialists of America
  • Workers’ Solidarity Alliance – Atlanta Local

CORRECTION: Jack “Pale Horse” Corbin Previously Falsely ID’d

In October 2017, members and affiliates of the TORCH Network believed we had identified the individual known as Jack “Pale Horse” Corbin in the wake of active post-Charlottesville doxxing campaigns by alt-right trolls, especially on the 8chan /pol/ message board.

The person previously thought to be Corbin (Jake Loubriel), while incorrect, is still an alt-right troll helping to doxx antifascist comrades.

The real “Pale Horse” is Daniel W. McMahon of Brandon, FL as outlined in the original correction by Philly Antifa, which can be read here.

Thanks to the diligence of antifascists, McMahon’s internet activity (specifically doxxing efforts) has decreased significantly according to a recent report on Philly AntiCapitalist, and that McMahon has fled the continent and was summarily assaulted and/or mugged in a European red light district.





Due to consistent dangerous behavior incompatible with the antifascist movement, this is a declaration of separation from the group known as Great Lakes Antifa (also known as Nashville AntiFa).
These demonstrated behaviors include the following:
  • Spreading false statements and narratives to the media and public, both in person and on social media.
  • Claiming false relationships to individuals and groups to gain entry to trusted spaces.
  • Claiming other groups’ work as their own.
  • Creating ghost or sock social media accounts for chapters of established organizations that they do not belong to, such as ABC and ARA, in order to gain influence. 
  • Attempting entryism by sending GLA members to join other antifascist and activist groups, to make those groups more sympathetic to GLA.
  • Employing highly suspicious tactics typical of infiltrators (offering groups and individuals large quantities of money or resources) in order to gain influence.
  • Attempting to silence and discredit anyone who questions these misleading and suspicious statements and actions.
  • Spreading negative rumors about individuals and organizations with no basis or proof.
  • Starting public fights and feuds with activists, leaving actions and organizations exposed to attack by the state and fascists, rather than seeking non-public resolution.
  • Placing other activists – including people of color – at risk of state and fascist oppression by exposing them and their personal information in the media.
  • Physical and verbal assault of marginalized people and antifascists.
  • General lack of security culture exhibited in their sharing of information.
  • Employing questionable vetting practices for membership.
  • Specifically recruiting individuals who have been kicked out of other organizing groups for bad behavior.
  • Failing to hold themselves accountable to any concerns of other antifascist and activist groups regarding these behaviors.
As a movement, we now move to protect our organizations from these dangerous practices of Great Lakes Antifa. In solidarity with each other, those signed below will no longer work with GLA due to the above-mentioned behavior and regard GLA as unwelcome in our spaces and at our demonstrations in the future.
Lexington ARA
Upstate ARA
Cincinnati ARA
Columbus ARA
Nashville ARA
Antifa Sacramento
Western North Carolina Antifa
Rocky Mountain Antifa
Rose City Antifa
Atlanta Antifascists
Pacific Northwest Antifascist Workers Collective
Antifa Seven Hills
Pittsburgh AFA
Central Texas Anti-Racist Action
Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA)
Solidarity & Defense Lansing
Solidarity & Defense Detroit
Solidarity & Defense Grand Rapids
Solidarity & Defense Flint
Cleveland Anti-Racist Action
Cleveland Anti-Fascist Action
Burning River Anarchist Collective
Keystone Anti-Racist Action
574 Antifa 
Michiana Anti-Racist Collective
Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action
Louisville Anti-Racist Action
For additional information about GLA’s actions:

On Blast: Jason Judd, Neo-Nazi Solar Panel Installer

From Antifa Sacramento

Jason Judd (alias Jason Kale) is a longtime Neo-Nazi and a member of the Golden State Skinheads (GSS). He is also associated with Hell’s Angels, the Traditionalist Worker Party(TWP), and the Hammerskins Nation. He was one of 20 GSS and TWP members who appeared at the 2016 neo-Nazi rally at the State Capitol in Sacramento, a demonstration that was ultimately shut down by a mobilization of 400+ anti-fascist counter-protesters. In the violent brawl that ensued, GSS members attacked counter-protesters with knives and sticks, specifically targeting visibly queer and non-white demonstrators. Judd himself was directly involved in the stabbings that occurred, grabbing a POC protester so that another Neo-Nazi could stab her. That particular antifascist sustained serious injuries and was hospitalized for 4 days.

Jason Judd (back center) wearing a TWP shirt and border patrol hat while holding an anti-fascist counter demonstrator from behind as another GSS member stabs her with a knife.

GSS and TWP members who attended the 2016 Nazi rally refer to themselves as “Sacramento Spartans”, and commonly wear a commemorative patch that depicts TWP( now a defunct group) member  William Scott Planer striking an antifascist protester with a pole. Judd has posted pictures of himself online wearing said patch, and the same imagery appears on a large “Sacramento Spartans” banner in his garage. Judd is clearly proud of his part in the racist attacks that took place that day.

Left: Jason Judd displaying the “Sacramento Spartans” patch on his motorcycle vest. Right: A “Sacramento Spartans” banner in Judd’s garage.

Jason Judd has an extensive criminal history that includes multiple arrests, prison time, and at least one restraining order. He is loud and proud about his Nazi affiliations, and his online posts exemplify his racist, anti-Semitic beliefs.

Judd’s Instagram account

Until recently, Jason resided in North Highlands, CA, across the street from the American River College campus. He now lives with his partner and their two young children in Orangevale, a suburb of Sacramento. He works for a solar panel installation company based out of Rancho Cordova, and isn’t shy about being a Neo-Nazi even while on the job.


Left: Judd posing in front of a company vehicle. Right: Judd sporting a black sun symbol pin while at work. The black sun symbol is commonly used by American neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and has been associated with Nazism since the 1950’s.

The Solar Panel installation company that Judd works for is Sun System Technology. Please contact them and demand that they fire Jason Judd. When you call, DO NOT provide them with any personal information about yourself. This way, you prevent yourself from being identified by either Jason and his fellow GSS members, the company itself, and potentially Law Enforcement. To ensure your safety, we encourage you to utilize the tips and short script below:

“Hello, I’m calling to demand that Sun System Technology fire Jason Judd, the violent Neo-Nazi who aided a stabbing at the Capitol in 2016 and currently works at your company. We will continue calling, and making this known to the public, until he is fired. Goodbye.”

TIPS: block your number (#67, before phone number), keep it short, just hang up!

REMEMBER: This is a one way exchange of information. You do not have to answer any of their questions or provide them with any information outside of the script above.

Join us in making them aware that they are currently employing a dangerous Neo-Nazi who has participated in violent and racist attacks against oppressed groups.


Sun System Technology
2731 Citrus Road, Suite D
Rancho Cordova, CA 95724

Website: sstsolar.com‹

Email: info@sunsystemtechnology.com

You can also leave them reviews on Yelp, Google, and Glassdoor.

printable call in campaign flyer

Here’s the pdf version

Jason Judd’s current address is 9826 Golden Drive, Orangevale, CA.

Also be aware that this is the truck he drives when he’s not working:

Jason Judd’s truck, a white Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD , license plate number 7M42884.


If you have any further information on Jason Judd or any of his affiliates , please email us at antifasac@riseup.net

CALL-IN to Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School: Lynching Threats Are Not Acceptable. Stop Excusing White Nationalist Agitation and Harassment.

Do you want to stop another white supremacist from becoming a lawyer? It’s easy to participate in this campaign, and if you can’t call in yourself, please share this widely.


BACKGROUND: Casey Cooper, a white nationalist who made death threats against a Black community activist in Atlanta, is in his second year studying law at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School (AJMLS). Cooper is affiliated with Identity Evropa, a militant racist organization. Cooper has also organized white nationalists to paste propaganda such as “Why White Women Shouldn’t Date Black Men” on campuses throughout Metro Atlanta. Cooper published extreme racist and homophobic comments about his law school environment (AJMLS currently has more than 50% “minority” enrollment and regularly ranks among the most diverse law schools in the country).
Casey Jordan Cooper standing on left and wearing pin for white nationalist organization Identity Evropa. White nationalist Patrick Nelson Sharp on right.
TIMELINE: The month before his first law school classes in 2016, Casey Cooper made an explicit death threat, messaging a picture of a noose to an outspoken Black activist in Atlanta. Cooper then doubled-down on his threat, further abusing his target in a public message on Twitter and writing “This is why you hang.” No appropriate action has been taken by Atlanta’s John Marshall, even though responsibility for the threat is clear. It should also be noted that AJMLS considers student conduct from the time of admission — not the start of classes — in its Code of Student Responsibility. We believe that Cooper’s explicit death threats reflect a general unfitness to study and practice law.
July 2016 death threat from Casey Cooper’s Twitter account to a Black community activist in Atlanta.
In March 2017, Atlanta Antifascists first drew attention to Cooper’s white power agitation. AJMLS did not comment publicly and did not appear to take any action. Months later, in the aftermath of the bloody “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 — where a white supremacist murdered anti-racist Heather Heyer — AJMLS finally issued a statement to students, although it did not mention Casey Cooper by name. Cooper’s online alias appears in planning chats for “Unite the Right” and he was video-recorded at the “Charlottesville 1.0” white power rally in May that set the stage for “Unite the Right”.
It’s clear that Casey Cooper is not just a garden-variety bigot but an ideologically-committed militant. Cooper has logged into his account on the white power forum TheRightStuff in 2018, signaling his continued involvement in racist organizing. If Cooper becomes a lawyer, there is strong reason to believe he will abuse his position of power to attack people of color and other groups he despises. If Atlanta’s John Marshall ignores every warning sign and helps Cooper into a profession for which he is clearly unfit, some of the blame for what happens will be theirs. 
2018 screenshot: Cooper / “Phoenix” still logging on to TheRightStuff white power forum
Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School does its student body and the community at large a disservice by ignoring the death threats made by Casey Cooper. Threatening to lynch another human being is not a trivial matter. AJMLS has known about Cooper’s actions nearly a year. The evidence is overwhelming. By treating this as unimportant, AJMLS normalizes racist intimidation and creates an unwelcome environment for the very students it promises to serve.
Please contact Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School to express your concern:
Phone: (678) 916-2600
Fax: (404) 873-3802 
Dean Malcolm L. Morris 
Phone: (678) 916-2603 
SHORT SCRIPT: “Why aren’t you doing anything about Casey Cooper’s white supremacist organizing at your school?”


LONGER SCRIPT: “Hello, I am contacting you about second-year student Casey Jordan Cooper. AJMLS has known for almost a year that Cooper is responsible for making racist death threats. All the evidence is at caseycooperinfo.wordpress.com. You are also aware that Cooper coordinated white power propaganda campaigns on Metro Atlanta campuses. I am deeply concerned by your school’s inaction. Why does AJMLS still view Cooper as fit to study and practice law?
“I am reminding you that the issue is not just Cooper’s bigoted speech, but Cooper clearly threatening to lynch somebody. Doesn’t helping Cooper on his way to a become a lawyer — where he will have greatly increased power over people’s lives — make further harm likely? How is AJMLS working to repair the damage it has already done, to the broader community and to its own student body? The time has come for AJMLS to do better. Thanks for listening today.”


We also invite you to contact the Office of Bar Admissions for Georgia, supplying them with information on Casey Jordan Cooper’s conduct. Explain that Cooper is currently in law school but that his white power harassment and death threats reveal that he cannot be trustworthy and reliable as lawyer in the future. This information should be kept on file and Cooper should be denied admission to the bar.
Office of Bar Admissions
244 Washington Street, SW
Suite 440
Atlanta, GA 30334
If you have further information about Casey Cooper — his racist organizing and/or his behavior at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School — please reach out to Atlanta Antifascists:
afainatl [at] riseup [dot] net
470-344-4868 (voicemail only)
We ask Atlanta progressive and community groups to raise this issue with Atlanta’s John Marshall. Share this information with your membership and speak out as an organization. Ask why AJMLS is trying to help a death-threat-making racist to become a lawyer, where he will have further power to target and harass people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and others. 
Further resources on Casey Jordan Cooper:
* Casey Cooper Information
Contains 500+ page dossier on Casey Cooper’s white power activity
* “Meet Casey Jordan Cooper: ‘Alt-Right’ White Power Organizer and Atlanta Law Student”
March 2017 article by Atlanta Antifascists
* All Casey Cooper information on Atlanta Antifascists website:

Sacramento Attorney Danny Brace Defends Neo-Nazi William Planer


On June 26th of last year, members of the Neo-Nazi gang the Golden State Skinheads (GSS) and the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) stormed the California State Capital grounds after an overwhelming turnout of antifascist protesters cancelled their rally. The Neo-Nazis came armed with bats, shields, knives, and guns, and sent 9 individuals to the hospital, many of whom sustained critical injuries and stab wounds. Of the twenty Neo-Nazis present that day, one, William Scott Planer, is currently facing charges.

Sacramento County Jail booked Planer on September 9th after being extradited from the El Paso County Jail in Colorado Springs, where he’d been held since July 14th of this year. He was originally arrested and charged with vandalizing the Chabad Lubavitch of Southern Colorado after being caught on camera affixing a sticker to the door of the synagogue that read “fight terror, nuke Israel” late one night. El Paso Country Jail held him for nearly two months on $500,000 bail and a “fugitive from justice” hold. The hold as a result of a warrant due for his arrest out of Sacramento, where he’s charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor riot for the attacks he participated in on June 26th. The vandalism case in Colorado is now behind him, and the case here in Sacramento is underway.

Planer is affiliated with both the Golden State Skinheads (GSS) and the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP). As a highly active and well connected member of the White Nationalist movement, the Nazis did not forget him after his arrest in Colorado and subsequent incarceration. Soon after his arrest, the leaders of TWP, Matthew Heimbach and Matt Parrot, launched a crowd funding campaign to raise money for his bail and legal defense using the now-defunct crowdfunding platform Rootbocks.com, a website commonly used by white supremacists and Neo-Nazis due to its anti-censorship mission. Rootbocks’ web host shut down the site on August 14th and cut off by its payment service, and despite attempts to find a new web host, it remains offline. It is unclear if those doing Planer’s support work ever obtained the the money raised by the campaign, but the fundraiser page itself no longer exists. However, while Planer’s defense fund was still up, almost $15,000 was raised. The money came from supporters from all over the world, many of whom left comments about their support for and commitment to the white nationalist cause on the fundraiser page after donating.

As well as being the leader of TWP, Matt Parrot is also one of the founders of the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN), a group that promotes white supremacy.


Here’s a screenshot of three of the donations to the online William Planer defense fund. If you notice in the top comment the number 88 is a popular number among white nationalists because H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so the 88 ends up standing for “Heil Hitler”.


Upon arriving at the Sacramento County Jail, William Planer’s bail was raised to $600,000. As a twice-convicted felon looking at his third strike if convicted in his current case, it’s clear he’s going to need a good lawyer. So, the local members of GSS, the leaders of TWP, and the white nationalist movement as a whole, managed to hire long standing Sacramento lawyer Danny D. Brace to represent William Planer. As stated on his website, bracelaw.com, the law firm that Danny Brace practices out of which has been in the same location since 1984. It takes a certain kind of person to willingly represent a Neo-Nazi who participated in assaults and stabbings of anti-racist protesters, but given Brace’s track record, no one should be surprised. Affectionately referred to as “Dump Truck Dan” by past clients burned by his poor performance, Danny Brace has a history of working for those who commit racist violence. As recently as three years ago he represented Joseph Paul Leonard, a man tried for committing the racially motivated murder of Toussaint Harrison and the attempted murder of Toussaint’s friend, Justin Oliphant. After just two days of deliberation, the jury convicted Leonard of both first degree murder and attempted murder, both with a hate crime enhancement, and sentenced to 32 to life.

Now, Brace is solidifying his reputation as defender of racist scum by representing a violent Neo-Nazi. It is unacceptable that Brace is accepting the money of Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists in exchange for defending a known white supremacist, especially one who has attacked anti-racist protesters and sent them to the hospital. These actions cannot go unopposed. Help us spread the word about Brace, who he is funded by, and the kinds of people he likes to defend- you can leave reviews of Danny Brace and Brace Law on Yelp, Google, and Yellow Pages. His law firm is located at 901 H St, suite 500, Sacramento CA, 95814, the office phone number is (916) 447-0592, and Danny Brace’s email is dbrace@bracelaw.com. Feel free to get in touch with him and let him know how you feel about him accepting the money of white supremacists and defending a violent Neo-Nazi.

The wounding of 9 anti-racist protesters on June 26th of 2016 did not happen in a vacuum. The actions that William Planer participated in and that Danny Brace is defending are part of a broader fascist movement being pushed forward by white supremacist groups in the United States. The stabbings by members of the Golden State Skinheads are directly connected to the violence that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia when a white supremacist ran his vehicle into a crowd of anti-racist protesters, killing the protestor Heather Heyer, and injuring many more. They are directly connected to the hate crimes, shootings, murders, and attempted murders that are cropping up all over the nation. They are affiliated with a White Nationalist movement that puts immigrants, protesters, and black, brown, and queer communities under threat of violence. More than that, their actions are rooted in the history of white supremacy that stains the soil of this stolen land. We cannot expect the state to protect us from this threat, not when the state itself is one of the greatest enforcers and producers of the racist social order. William Planer sits in a jail cell because the state seeks to maintain a monopoly on violence, not because his actions go against its principles. We must look to each other and fight back, nationally and locally. White supremacists and those who would defend them must be opposed and disrupted at every stage of their organizing, by any means available.