
Ping, Ping, Ping: The Remand Extension Hearing of the Penza “Terrorists”

Yegor Svokoroda traveled to Penza, where, over the course of three days, the Lenin District Court considered whether to extend the remand in police custody of the antifascists who, according to the FSB, were part of a “terrorist community” known as The Network.

Support political prisoner - anarchist Evgeny Karakashev

We call for solidarity and support of Crimean anarchist Evgeny Karakashev. The collection of funds for the work of a lawyer and the payment of parcels is started.

Evgeny was born on August 21, 1978. He lives in Yevpatoria, Crimea. He is a leftist activist with anarchist beliefs. On February 1, 2018, Karakashev was detained, and on February 2, 2018, arrested on suspicion of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 282 (the incitement of hatred and enmity) and Part 2 of Art. 205.2 (public calls for terrorism) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He is in custody from February 2nd 2018.

Lecturers and support staff rebel as union pushes poor pension offer

University lecturers and support staff are rebelling against their union leadership after conciliation talks between the University and Colleges Union (UCU) and Universities UK (UUK) ended with a derisory potential deal.

South Africa: Land Expropriation from Below Faces Brutal Repression

The Women's Riot in Cato Manor, Durban, 1959

As the ruling African National Congress promises, with an eye on a coming election and the collapse in its popular support under Jacob Zuma, to expropriate land without compensation urban land occupations continue, and continue to face serious repression from the ruling party and the state.

Anti-fascists to oppose European far-right hate preacher in London

Martin Sellner from Generation Identity in a Defend Europe t-shirt

This Sunday a top European far-right activist is hoping to give a speech from noon at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London.

Gig economy strike and the Bologna Riders Union

Riders for a range of food delivery apps in Bologna have taken strike action over poor wages and working conditions, setting up the Bologna Riders' Union.

2 Strikes, 1 Struggle: The Significance of the Communications Workers Strike in West Virginia

At 12:01am today, Sunday March 4, 1400 workers across the state of West Virginia and in Ashburn, Virginia have struck Frontier Communications, the regional phone and internet company.

The real land expropriation movement in South Africa


There has been a massive international reaction to the vote in South Africa to begin the process of land reform, but the ANC is not interested in real land redistribution and persecutes the shack dwellers who are carrying it out.

“The main thing at that moment, in that situation, was to come out alive”

A recent public action in support of tortured anarchists in the city of Chelyabinsk has led to a backlash. Here, two people reveal how they were tortured by the FSB.

Iron Bars on the House of Labour

An overlay of two images. The CUPE Ontario Flag with a grouping of cops marching

How accepting surveillance officers and other parts of the repressive state into trade unions is a threat to organizers across so-called Canada...